Chapter 32 - Kaiba Corporation Tournament Continued

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(Y/N) woke up the next morning in an empty bed. She groggily sat up to see Seto already hard at work preparing for the next day of the tournament. Sitting up abruptly, she grabbed her phone and checked the time. Shoot, she thought. I'm going to be late for my match if I don't hurry

Sensing her urgency, the Kaiba Corp President pulled away from his computer and swung around in his chair. "Good morning to you too," Seto said with a slight smirk on his face. "I ordered room service..."

(Y/n) pulled her clothes on and leaped towards the door. "I'd love to stay, but I'm running late! I'll see you at the tournament!" She planted a quick kiss on Seto's cheek before scurrying out of his hotel room and towards her own so that she could change clothes and get ready for her duel.

Within thirty minutes, she was showered, dressed incognito and checked in for her duel. Someone named Rex Raptor was her next match up. She was called out to the large stadium filled with cheers and whistling. A short man with shaggy hair appeared on the stage and the two began their duel.

In a large upset, (Y/N) was able to beat the man with minimal effort. She was surprised how many cheers she received and how naturally the moves and combos came to her mind when she dueled the Dinosaur themed duelist. After stepping back to the sidelines, she noticed a missed call and text message from Seto, asking where she was.

Luckily she had no more duels for the morning, so she was able to spend time with Seto and Mokuba while scouting the competition. She rushed into the first bathroom she could find, quickly removing her disguise and stuffing into the bottom of her tote bag before entering the posh private viewing room with Seto and Mokuba.

"Nice of you to show up," Seto teased.

"Hey now! I had important Kaiba Corp business to attend to." (Y/n) said with a smirk. "After all, those new business deals won't happen by themselves."

"Whatever." Seto said, gazing down at the next match. "It's been pretty uneventful so far."

The trio watched a few matches before (Y/N) noticed that her next match had been decided, and she needed to be ready to duel within the hour. She quickly made an excuse to leave the room and change back into her outfit and wig.

(Y/n) had another near flawless victory against the next duelist, an ocean duelist named Mako Tsunami who had been a sure bet for moving up in the next round. The crowd cheered enthusiastically at the surprising loss, and (y/n) began to find herself approached by a few kids wanting her autograph or to pick her brain on her dueling strategy. She politely dodged the questions as she managed to hid in a bathroom in an empty hallway to change back out of her disguise once again.

As she re-entered the private room, (Y/N) noticed the irritation in Seto's demeanor as he yelled at a staff member.

"I want you to find out who this mystery woman is!" Seto demanded. "She isn't in any dueling database and I'm not letting some nobody turn my tournament into a circus act like the last two times!"

"Yes, sir!" The man said. "I will find out immediately." The man rushed past, not even noticing (Y/n) as he quickly left the tiny room to follow his marching orders.

"Hi Seto!" (Y/n) said cheerfully. "What's going on?"

"Nothing to concern yourself with," Seto said cooly. "Just trying to get more information on a mystery woman who entered our competition. She keeps winning against top duelists and I can't allow my tournament to be undermined by a nobody." Seto clenched his fists as he spoke.

"Maybe she just wanted to have fun." (Y/n) assured him. "Besides I'm sure no one is trying to undermine your tournament. It's not like you're even participating."

"Actually... I wasn't going to announce this until later on, but the winner gets to duel me in the final round. Who better to duel against?"

(Y/N) face turned bright red as she realized the implications. Did Mokuba know this ahead of time? Or was this just a coincidence? It didn't matter now because she probably wouldn't win the next round anyway. She had probably just gotten lucky, right?

A New Life in Domino City! (Seto Kaiba X Reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora