Chapter 30- Start of the Kaiba Corp Duel Monsters Tournament

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A few weeks had passed and the Kaiba Corporation Tournament was set to begin in Domino City. Skilled Duelists from all over the area had gathered at Kaiba Land to participate in the tournament using the newest, cutting edge duel disc technology.

Cheers erupted from the crowd as Mokuba and Seto introduced the tournament that (Y/N) had devoted countless hours to perfect. Although the planning was done, she was exhausted and couldn't relax because she had promised Mokuba she would participate.

The tournament was set to last an entire week, and the finalists would compete in a large stadium with live video coverage. Not that (Y/n) planned to make it that far in the competition, but as a precaution she had a disguise that only Mokuba was in on.

(Y/n) signed as she threw on a long blonde wig, sunglasses, a hat and an all black outfit. She couldn't reveal her identity just yet, especially not to Seto. She took a deep breath as she stepped outside to the large arena to face her first opponent.

The young man was quickly defeated by the mysterious blonde woman, and to (Y/n) surprise, the crowd erupted in cheering. She smiled and blushed simultaneously, wondering why she never played Duel Monsters in a tournament before. She was surprised to be having fun.

The next few battles ended quickly as Seto and Mokuba sat and watched from their box office seats.

"Mokuba... where is (Y/N)?" Seto barked at his younger brother. He crossed his arms in annoyance as she looked at his watch. "She should be in the executive viewing suite and I hear she is nowhere to be found. Do you know anything about this?"

Mokuba waved apologetically. "Nope, not at all, big brother!" Beads of sweat began for form on his forehead. "She's probably running behind or something. I wouldn't worry about it, Seto."

Seto growled in annoyance looking down at the next duel. Could it be? Was that who he thought it was?

"Who the hell is that?" Seto yelled pointing down through the glass at the two duelists that had just begun.

"What are you talking about? I don't see anything!" Mokuba blurted out before realizing what his big brother was referring to. "Oh, that's Joey Wheeler!" Mokuba said relieved.

"You're acting very strange, what are you not telling me?" Seto asked dubiously. "Also, how did that third rate wanna-be even make it past registration?"

Before Mokuba could thing of a clever response, the duel quickly ended, with the tall blonde man defeating a short insect looking boy.

"Joey Wheeler has defeated Weevil Underwood in the second match of the Kaiba Corporation Duel Monsters Tournament!" The announcer shouted as cheers erupted from the stadium.

"Why anyone cheers for that amature is beyond me!" Seto groaned.

As the rest of the matches for the day wrapped up, (Y/N) stood back, watching the competition.

"Hiya, (Y/N)!" A young man's voice chirped, startling the woman in disguise.

"Yugi! Keep it down! I'm incognito!" (Y/n) hissed at her mild mannered friend.

"You're taking place in the tournament in disguise? Does Kaiba know?" Yugi asked.

"No, and he isn't going to find out, at least for now."

"I see, well your secret's safe with me." Yugi smiled, giving a thumbs up.

(Y/N) checked her phone, remembering that she had dinner plans with the Kaiba Brothers. "I've gotta head out, but I'll see you bright and early tomorrow!"


(Y/N) removed her props and changed into casual attire, and rushed to the hotel restaurant where the elder Kaiba brother had made dinner reservations.

"Sorry I'm late, boys!" (Y/n) said, sliding into a seat between the two brothers at the small square table.

"Hmph. What have you been up to all day?" Seto questioned.

"Just, uh, making sure things run smoothly!" (Y/N) said on the fly. "Have you two been enjoying the tournament so far?"

"I have!" Mokuba chirped. "Seto's been... preoccupied with our stocks and shareholders."

(Y/N) looked over at the Kaiba Corp CEO. He was dressed in his white suit and blue tie, looking as business-like as he had been asking lately. Was he really that worried about his company? She wondered.

The three ate dinner quietly with minimal small talk. After everyone finished, Seto picked up the check and Mokuba excused himself to turn into bed early, leaving (Y/N) and Seto alone together.

"What room are you staying in?" (Y/N) asked slyly. Seto told her, giving her his spare room key. The two parted ways as (Y/n) retired to her hotel room.

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