Chapter 44

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Two demonic rulers walk with arms linked together following the pleased crowd of tourist

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Two demonic rulers walk with arms linked together following the pleased crowd of tourist. Devilish smirks painted on each of their lips, their dark eyes linger on the souls of the crowd counting their demons.

The three Harvest witches are being carried on thrones in a line to a large black platform. Monique is first, her two-toned brown dress reflecting the yellow street lights. Next is Cassie, her dull white long sleeve dress washing out her already pale face. Davina is last, the flamboyant orange dress matches the flame of excitement in her eyes.

Juniper had changed into a more suitable outfit for the after party. She watched from the side of the building with Lucifer as the witches showed their magic to the tourist, after a certain red haired witch thanked everyone for celebrating. Monique shook the ground starting up the nervous muttering from the ground followed by Cassie, blowing powerful wind at the crowd. Davina took a step forward, turning around with her palm raised. Small flames light up the Fleur-De-Lis symbol showing their New Orleans pride. The crowded roared with cheers, spinning and waving their toy lights in the air. Fireworks burst through the dark night sky, a proud smile grows on Juniper's lips. Lucifer and Juniper clap for the younger Claire.

Entering the gates for the after party, Juniper's mauve belted wide leg pants flow with every step she takes. They see Hayley talking to Elijah. The Nobel Mikaelson comments on the pregnant werewolf appearing alone to the event. Juniper rolls her eyes watching the two flirt with each other, Elijah offers his arm for Hayley to take, she does.

"Your friends are so oblivious to the lustful affections that they hold for each other." Lucifer comments grabbing a drink off a tray from a walking server.

"Yeah, no kidding" Juniper takes a drink too sipping on the champagne.

"Just like you and a certain someone," Lucifer mutters under his breath but Juniper still hears him. She smacks his arm, he lets out a chuckle.

"Shut up, dick" Juniper crosses her arms, slightly pouting.

"Well I am Ruler of the Underworld and I am known for my marvelous d-" Lucifer get cut off by Genevieve who lightly taps a knife to her champagne glass.

"Welcome. As is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings." She raises her glass pointing to the line that is forming. "It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied."

Genevieve walks away from the small stage, the three Harvest girls sit down in their thrones. Hayley is the first in line to leave a gift at the girl's feet. The pregnant werewolf tries to set it down in front of Davina but she is redirected towards Monique.

This goes on for a while before it is Juniper's and Lucifer's turn. The witches tried to redirect the two demonic rulers to the other witches but before they could even touch Juniper a few of her finest guards blocked with witches path. Juniper smirks, stupid bitch, with a light wink she sets down her gift in front of her little sister. Lucifer offers the young Claire a charming smile as he sets down his gift.

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