Chapter 38

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The next morning Juniper is dragged out of bed per Elijah's request

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The next morning Juniper is dragged out of bed per Elijah's request. Not feeling her best June threw on her grey leggings and olive green hoodie grabbed her bag then left to St. Anne's Church. At the church the hexed priest stutters and sweats as he briefly explains why the group has been summoned.

Father Kieran takes a seat next to the tired Queen of Demons. Both listen to Elijah claim to crown himself as King, but in a more polite way than his brother could ever have done; while he rips the rules of the city that Marcel made, to shreds. Diego the vampire sitting on June's left interrupts the Noble Mikaelson to state how he just claimed the throne.

Elijah begins explaining himself as to why they are there. They are going to be the representative of each faction: Genevieve and two others for the witches, Diego and two others for the vampires, Father Kieran for the humans, and Juniper for her demons.

June has yet to seen Hayley at the meeting or any other wolf to represent their faction.

"Now we are all here to some extent responsible for the current chaos in the city. However, you have one very, very simple choice. Ahead of you here." Elijah looks at everyone sitting at the table in front of him. "You can all play nicely together, or you can leave."

Juniper sits watching the chaos to bubble over between the factions as they yell at each other, resting her head on her pale palm her eyes closed. The Queen of Demons receives a text from Hayley asking her if she is at Elijah's meeting. June quickly sends a reply and asks Hayley why hasn't she showed up yet. Hayley tells her its because she wasn't invited.

Juniper glares up at Elijah from her phone. The Noble Original tilts his head in confusion. June uses her powers to leave the Church arriving in the Bayou next to an old barn. Entering the barn she sees rows of long tables pushed together, silverware and dishes neatly arranged in front of their chairs. June's tired eyes scan the room for her favorite pregnant werewolf.

Hayley is spotted next to Jackson; both of them are standing across the table from Oliver. June walks towards them planning to ignore Oliver grab Hayley and return to the Church. This plan is unsuccessful when June hears Oliver talking shit about Hayley right to her face.

Juniper loses her short temper. Her hand wraps around her old lover's neck squeezing it lifting him up ever so slightly. "How rude can an idiot like you fucken be? Talking to a pregnant lady like that, it's disrespectful."

Oliver begins to struggle, as June continues to lift him. "I'm not surprised though your mother was to stupid to teach you some manners. No wonder why she's dead." She taunts in her demonic voice, her human eyes change too.

"June!" Hayley yells, snapping her out of her trance of anger.

June drops the red faced Oliver to the ground. With a quick turn she grabs a hold of Hayley's hand then uses her powers to transport them back to the Church.

"Are you serious?" Hayley seethes walking towards the table cutting Elijah off. "You're dividing up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?"

Diego stands, "What the hell is she doing here?"

With a snap of her fingers June summons two of her demons to force Diego back down in his chair. Diego glares at June not muttering a word. June snaps her fingers again, more demons appear lined up behind the witches and the vampires.

"We are not dividing the city. We are establishing boundaries-" Elijah gets cut off.

"No, Elijah! There's not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table..."Hayley argues. "And if they don't get one I can guarantee that you will all regret it." She threatens.

Everyone, the witches and the vampires, begin to argue again causing Juniper to roll her eyes. She nods slightly. Her demons grabs the arguing super natural's heads tilting them back silencing them.

"If anyone says another damn word I will have my demons possess you until your insides are turned to mush. Elijah knows I'm not playing, don't you Eli?" June smirks sitting down in her chair. She puts her feet up on the table relaxing.


The witches, vampires, and Father Kieran left the Church. Juniper listens to Elijah scold Hayley for interrupting their meeting. Hayley sarcastically answers the new King of New Orleans as she stands behind June who is still sitting in the same chair before everyone left. Elijah glares at June when Hayley mentions how she had to be told by June that this meeting was going on. He then makes the excuse of not telling Hayley about the meeting because he wanted to handle the situation between the witches and the vampires first.

The two longing lovers begin to yell at each other because both are too stubborn to give up. Elijah admits that he thinks Hayley should not be out in the Bayou with the wolves and asks her to come back to the Compound.

Hayley scoffs "You think the baby belongs there? You think that she'll be safe?"

"Is the Bayou any better?" Elijah retorts.

Before June can put in her two sense about the Bayou being safe Hayley demands that the wolves get a voice. June watches Hayley walk away, she sees how Elijah's face drops. He turns to her glaring.

"Bye Eli." June stands using her powers to leave the Church and go back to her apartment.

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