Chapter 14

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Someone pounds on the door nonstop, Juniper groans as she gets out of bed wrapping her sweater around her to cover herself since her tank top is not doing a good job

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Someone pounds on the door nonstop, Juniper groans as she gets out of bed wrapping her sweater around her to cover herself since her tank top is not doing a good job. The pounding on the door gets louder as the woman with dyed hair walks down the stairs. Hayley comes out of her room yawning asking who is at the door, Juniper tells her to go back to her room.

"What do you want it's three in the morning?!" Juniper spits out irritated that someone woke her up from her much needed sleep.

A shotgun is pointed at her stomach before she has time to process anything she is flying backwards with bullet wounds. She stands up enraged at the stranger who shot her, she sees the man making his way up the stairs so she grabs him and throw him into the other room scratching him. He kicks her in the stomach causing her to hunch over in pain the man uses his supernatural speed to throw her against the wall. June yells at Hayley to run as the man shows that he is a hybrid, she coughs up black blood but stands up again. The two fight once more; each getting in a couple of blows. Juniper kicks him against the wall not realizing that he is only a few feet away from his shotgun. He grabs it shooting the Demon Queen two more times the black blood and smoke cover her hands as she grasps her wounds; her eyes roll to the back of her head body falling to the ground unconscious. The man assumes that she is dead and walks off to find Hayley, they both fight but the man gains the upper hand knocking Hayley out. He ties her up and puts her in the back of his truck driving off.


The sun has now risen the oldest Claire has been struggling to reach the house phone that is on the kitchen counter. For the third time she falls over not being able to stand correctly due to the fact that the man broke one of her legs. When she woke up she sent her demons to track down Hayley only having access to a few of them when she is weak. Juniper grabs onto the counter pulling herself grunting and groaning when her wounds touch the counter she grabs the phone dialing Klaus.

"What is it? I am busy."

"Will you s-stop being a psychotic asshole for t-wo seconds a-and-" She snaps, grunting in pain trying to take the bullet shards out of her stomach. "Get your a-ass over here"

"What's wrong?" He asks generally concerned for both women.

"Someone to-ok Hayley." She pulls the phone away from her ear biting her lip to stop the whimper as she pulls out one of the larger pieces from the bullet.

"Who took her?!" Klaus yells into the phone gaining his brother's attention.

"If I knew who did i-t I wou-ld have already told you!" She yells into the phone pulling it away for the second time now yelling out her favorite curse word because of the amount of pain she's in.

"We're on our way." Klaus tells her before hanging up the phone, she drops it using the wall to sit up to pull out the rest of the bullet shards from her body. Once all the pieces are out she pulls out the kitchen drawer from its hinges letting it all to the floor reaching for the box of matches. Juniper stuffs her sweater's sleeve into her mouth before lighting up a match. With shaking hands she puts it to the deepest wound her screams muffled, burning the wound close as best as she can before the match goes out.


After the Original Hybrid hung up the phone he informs his brother that the mother of his unborn child was kidnapped and that Juniper is wounded. They super speed to the Plantation finding the front door wide open, both crimson and black blood is scattered everywhere some furniture is broken. The two brothers follow a trail of black blood that leads to the kitchen. They enter the kitchen their eyes setting on the woman who is trying to burn her wounds close.

"What happened?" Klaus growls out pissed off that his home was invaded and that his baby momma was taken.

"Do you have a lighter?" She pants giving up on the box of matches Elijah checks his pockets tossing the girl the lighter with his family's initial on it.

"TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!!" Klaus booms at the girl catching the lighter Juniper glares at him telling him everything that happened he gave her the lighter halfway through the explanation.

"Fucken prick shot me three times," She grits her teeth as the lighter slowly burns the deep wound shut. "I have three of my men tracking them." Finally the last bullet wound is healed she then moves onto her broken leg.

"Where has he taken her?" Elijah asks ready to get the woman he is slowly falling for back.

"Somewhere in the Bayou-" She grunts snapping her bone back in place letting out a sigh of relief. "-He's took her out near the swamp. Lets go." She tells them standing up.

"You should change before we do." The Noble Original tells her.

"There's no time for me too we don't know what that asshole is doing to her," Juniper shakes her head not believing that he wants her to change.

"Have you seen yourself love?" Klaus' eyes flicker up and down her body checking out the parts that are bare skin from the bullet holes. Juniper examines the tank top that she has on seeing that it is torn to shreds.

"Fuck!" She yells running up the stairs and to her room changing into an all black outfit bringing her gun, knife and lighter with her. "Lets go!" She yells running down the stairs putting her hair into a ponytail using her supernatural abilities to travel catching up with her demons that are tracking Hayley down.


All three of them walk through the Bayou Klaus and Elijah have been arguing for the past ten to fifteen minutes about who's in charge. Juniper rolls her eyes telling them to shut up or she'll break their necks.

"You've begun to admire this girl. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch." Klaus tells his older brother Juniper snickers covering it up with a cough when Elijah turns to her.

"He has a point," She mutters raising her hands up defensively.

"You want to insist on treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake." Elijah snaps at the Hybrid while Juniper follows the trail of her demons, leaving them behind. Klaus and Elijah stop bickering and follow the Demon Queen, the Hybrid catching a familiar scent.

"You found her scent?" Elijah asks Klaus. Before the Hybrid storms off in front of both him and Juniper.

"This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of. Tyler Lockwood." The Hybrid tells them Juniper scoffs.

"So I got shot three fucken times because some asshole is holding a grudge against you?!" Juniper asks.

"And why would your little Hybrid sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Hayley?" Elijah asks Juniper turns her attention to her demons that have come to inform her that they have found Hayley.

"He wants revenge because I went after his girl." Klaus explains.

"Εξαιρετική δουλειά. Παρακαλώ να τον πάρετε στο κορίτσι. (Excellent work. Please take him to the girl.) Juniper tells her demons pointing to Elijah.

"Φυσικά, η βασίλισσα μου" (Of course, my Queen) Her demons nod walking towards Elijah.

"They are going to take you to Hayley." Juniper tells Elijah before turning to Klaus smirking. "We are going to pay your little sidekick a visit."

"I like the way you think, Little Demon." Klaus tells her before they disappear into the Bayou.

The Queen of Demons ~The Originals Fanfic~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang