Author's Note

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Hey guys so I have a new book published, it's called Venomous. I would appreciate it if you guys checked it out, comment, and vote on it. It is a Riverdale Fanfic and my oc's love interest is Sweet Pea, it does take place in season one though and you will find out why as you read it. If you do not like Riverdale but know people who do please recommend Venomous to them, you guys will not be dissappointed. I have been working on it for a while before I started publishing it and was very nervous to publish it. But a couple of friends helped me get over my nerves, and I love them for that, so I would love it if you guys checked it out and go follow them and check out their books @lizz_garcia02 and @HighOnLucaya And what you're about to read after this is the description for Venomous.



+(Of a person or their behavior) full of malice or spite


Everything about this girl was venomous; she isn't like the rest of us. Her eyes; are the windows to her soul but people didn't realize that they only told lies. Her smile; people wouldn't think about the wicked things that have come from it because it is a pretty one that can be seen for miles. Her hands; are so delicate people wouldn't know that they can curl into fists and make a grown man fall from where he stands. Her glare; is for those naïve challengers who would dare. Her smirk; it even scared the things in the dark that lurk. Her nails; dug into countless faces making them wail. Her knife; was made from the ashes of her father and his wife. Her gun; it has a nickname that is Fun. Her jacket; she always remembered to pack it. Her lover; was crazy enough to try and be with another. Her mind; was beautiful but dark if people tried to look at it they would go blind. Everything about this girl was venomous; she will never be like the rest of us.


"The names don't bother me, they can say whatever they want. We know what happened that night no one else does."


"I suggest you don't move. You'll end up killing yourself before you get free." She advises playing with her lighter. The man tries to speak but is muffled by the tie that is in his mouth. Oakley walks towards the man tilting his head up towards the ceiling. "If you yell I'll kill you." She threatens taking it out of his mouth.


"Alright you know the deal half up front half when done."


OC x Sweet Pea

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