Chapter 3

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    Juniper enters her apartment throwing her keys on the table, taking off her shoes and flopping down on the couch letting her body sink into the comfortable couch

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    Juniper enters her apartment throwing her keys on the table, taking off her shoes and flopping down on the couch letting her body sink into the comfortable couch. Before she can get entirely comfortable her phone rings, she groans before picking it up not checking the caller ID.

    "You were told to babysit the girl not leave her for my sister to take care of!" She hears the Hybrid spit into the phone turning to look at it confused.

    "How did you get my number?" She asks standing up walking to her room putting the phone on speaker leaving it on the dresser as she grabs her clothes to put in a bag since she will be staying a couple nights at the Mikaelson residence.

     "I got it from Elijah and he got it from Sophie Deveraux. Now tell me love where are you?" Klaus demands to know of the Demon Queen's whereabouts.

     "I'm at my apartment packing a bag, I'm going to need something to wear if I'm going to be staying with you people. And I want to have at least one last night of sleep in my own bed so if you do not mind I'm staying home." Juniper says sarcastically as she picks out a few tops that she will want to wear throughout the week.

    "Well I do mind so get back to the house." Klaus tries to order her but she is as stubborn as him and doesn't like to be told what to do.

    "Well I don't care about what you think goodnight" She sasses clicking the red button, hanging up the phone. Juniper pulls out a pair of pajamas before getting into the shower, after her shower she lays down and goes to sleep.


    The next day Juniper and Hayley are in the Quarter because Hayley wants to buy some wolfsbane so she can kill her unborn child. Throughout the whole trip to the Quarter Juniper has been trying to convince Hayley that the way she is doing this is wrong but the wolf won't listen to her. The pregnant wolf walks up to the magic shop asking the witch who is closing down the shop for the wolfsbane, Juniper watches from across the street making sure she isn't seen with Hayley because Marcel's men will rat her and Hayley out. The witch gives the small bottle to Hayley telling her that she's doing what's right, Juniper listens to the conversation getting angry at the witch for telling Hayley that. She hates the witches with a burning passion and she hates it when they try to harm children, the last time they tried to kill a child she let her demons possess and torture them. Which was before the Harvest Ritual, she would have killed the last of the witches who caused her little sister so much pain but Marcel had taken care of it.

    "Hey wanna gain some points? Tell Marcel that there's a wolf in the Quarter" The witch makes a phone call to her vampire boyfriend. Juniper overhears the witch tell him this before she leaves to go meet Hayley at the spot they picked before splitting up.

    " Παρακολουθήστε την και όταν η στιγμή είναι σωστή, βασανίστε την." (Watch her and when the moment's right, torture her) The Demon Queen speaks in her native tongue, ever since her seventeenth birthday when she first became what she is now.

     "Πόσο κακή η Βασίλισσα μου;" (How bad, my Queen?) The two demons ask, a sickening grin grows on her face as she thinks about how bad this witch should get beat.

     "Αφήστε μερικές περικοπές και μώλωπες, αλλά τίποτα να μην είναι σημαντικό"(Leave a few cuts and bruises but nothing to major) She tells them before waving them off to do their mission for the day, Juniper walks towards Hayley bumping into her pretending to be a stranger and apologizes.

Hayley and June discussed that they will pretend to be strangers meeting for the first time on the street then go out for a drink becoming friends, June came up with this plan just in case Marcel's men were following Hayley. Marcel told his guys not to mess with Juniper because he knows that she will kill them and even though killing someone is against the "rules" there is nothing he can do about it. He can not control her, no one can because against all of them she is the true immortal they just don't know it.


    The two girls go out, Juniper pretends to show her around the Quarter they get to know each other. By now the sun has set and the lamppost gives the streets light, both women are sitting on bench in an empty street Hayley pours a few drops of the wolfs bane into her cup of tea that they bought from the local café. What the pregnant wolf doesn't know is that Juniper switched out the bottles when they were checking out the book store a few blocks away from their current location.

    "Come on Hayley, one upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history." The wolf tries to convince herself that she is doing the right thing.

    "You don't have to do this, no matter what you tell yourself you are fit to be a mother." Juniper tells her, keeping an eye out for any intruders. Hayley hesitates to drink it when a nightwalker appears in front of both girls, Juniper stands in front of Hayley protectively.

    "Dumb move being in the Quarter. You're coming with me, wolf. Step out of my way bitch" The nightwalker threatens both Hayley and Juniper.

     "I suggest you leave us alone, now!" The Demon Queen commands her sweet voice going down an octave showing him her true eye color. The dark red puples with black surrounding them frighten the man, Hayley then throws the 'wolfs bane' infused drink at the vampire, he yells out as his skin burns since it actually is a vervain, Juniper takes the opportunity to have her demon claws out and slashes at the vampire cutting him all over. A wicked grin forms on the girl's face happy at what she has done, pulling the demons out from the now deceased man.

    "Ελάτε μαζί με τον στρατό μου" (Come, join my army) She invites the three demons, cutting her palm with a special blade she has so they can join the rest of her demons.

    "Σας ευχαριστούμε που μας ελευθερώσατε, Βασίλισσα" (Thank you for setting us free, My Queen) The demons bow before entering the cut, the black blood drips from the cut as the last demon enters. Juniper grabs the lighter from her pocket burning the wound close as she turns back to Hayley and Rebekah. Both of them look at Juniper afraid of what they just witnessed the girl they hardly know do to a vampire.

    "Come on lets go," The woman with the dyed hair says happy about her newest members of her army. The three girls walk back to the house in silence.

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