Chapter 24

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Sophie, Juniper, Elijah and Marcel sit in the study as the witch tries to convince all three of them that doing the Harvest Ritual will benefit the town and Davina's health

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Sophie, Juniper, Elijah and Marcel sit in the study as the witch tries to convince all three of them that doing the Harvest Ritual will benefit the town and Davina's health. Juniper knows that the Harvest Ritual has to be complete but she just doesn't know if it will work.

"You have convinced my siblings but you have yet to convince us." Elijah tells the Deveraux witch.

"We don't have time to waste. The first sign has already come and gone." Sophie looks at all three of them getting agitated.

"So fix her." Marcel growls out, looking at June who hasn't said a word this whole time.

"She can't be fixed." Sophie spits out. "She can't be saved. This will not stop at the Earth sign, and if you wait it out you immortals will be the only ones left to argue about it." Sophie tells them, a strong wind begins to blow causing all the shutters to slam open and close.

Juniper looks around the room faintly hearing Davina shout out for her older sister's help. She quickly uses her powers to arrive in Davina's room seeing Rebekah trying to sedate Davina. The angered Demon Queen pushes the blonde Original back before punching her.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" Rebekah asks as Davina cries out in pain. "I'm trying to help her!"

"By sedating her?! How do I know that you're not trying to sedate her so the witches can sacrifice her?!" June yells pushing Rebekah back again. The blonde uses her vampire speed to rush around June quickly injecting Davina with the sedative. As soon as Davina is passed out the wind calms down, Juniper glares at Rebekah. "Get out of the room and stay away from my sister." She threatens her eyes changing.

"Juniper I am only trying to help. She has to stay calm, the more stressed out she is the faster she will deteriorate." Rebekah explains.

"No! She will not-" Juniper begins to testify but gets cut off by Marcel.

"June. I think keeping her sedated for now is the best option, at least until we figure out another way to stop this." Marcel tells June, she shakes her head running her hands through her hair.

"I want vampires to guard her door along with my men, make sure none of the witches step foot in this room, and if anyone except me and you touches a hair on her perfect little head I am killing them on the spot." Juniper tells Marcel before walking out of the room to get a book and any other things that will keep her entertained for the next couple of hours as she gets ready to guard Davina to be sure no one tries to harm her.


A couple of hours have gone by of Juniper watching the IV shoot liquid into Davina's arm keeping her sedated, Marcel has stopped by for the third time now checking on both her and June. He knows she isn't taking this well, hell, everyone in New Orleans knows that she isn't handling the situation very well.

"You should go outside, get some fresh air or something to eat." Marcel tells her but she just stares at the IV one hand partially covering her mouth. She shakes her head. "Hey June I mean it. Go get something to eat. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Okay." Juniper leaves the room again to the kitchen putting her hair up in a messy ponytail. The stressed out Demon Queen makes herself a sandwich finishing it before she even leaves the kitchen, grabbing an orange and a water bottle then starts to make her way back to Davina's room.

Klaus and Elijah enter the Compound, talking about Davina's condition. Klaus tells his older brother that everyone agreed to have Davina sacrificed. Both Juniper and Marcel hear the Hybrid say that and become defensive.

"You're not touching her!" Marcel yells jumping down form the balcony punching Klaus.

"Okay. I'll let you have that one." Klaus laughs just as Juniper uses her powers to appear right in front of him.

"We are not sacrificing Davina!" Juniper yells at the Hybrid, their faces are inches away from each other. "I've already showed you what will happen if you try to harm her, next time it'll be much worse." Elijah gently pulls June away from Klaus, trying to protect his brother.

"No one wishes to see Davina come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out. She's going to die." Elijah tells them.

"You don't even know if it would work. The bitch who fucked us all, doesn't even know if it would work! She just hopes it will! We don't know what happens after all four girls are sacrificed! We don't know if they will come back! I don't know if Davina will come back! So fuck you! We are not killing Davina!" Juniper yells hot angry tears daring to fall but she blinks them away, not letting it show that this is destroying her.

"Juniper, I know you are upset but if a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I, also, am a believer." Elijah calmly tells her, putting his hand out in front of her in case she tries charging at his brother.

"Just like you believe after a thousand years your family can be happy, just like you believe you can hide your demons so well that no one will notice this façade you put on. Just like you believe you aren't as psychotic as your brother. You are far much worse than him, you are just to stupid to see it." Juniper sneers out, calling him out on his insecurities before leaving to Davina's room. Elijah swallows thickly, Klaus smirks at his older brother and Queen of Demons before turning to Marcel.


Once the only vampire who isn't an Original arrives in Davina's room, he and June execute their plan. Juniper kills the two vampire guards that try to stop Marcel and her from taking Davina to the safe place they talked about. Marcel picks Davina up carrying her out of the Compound undetected. Juniper makes sure her demons cover their tracks, just incase they try to do a locator spell.

They arrive at the storage facility, Marcel lays Davina on a blow up bed covering her with blankets so she stays warm. Davina wakes up panicking because she only sees Marcel since June is outside the unit pacing around trying to calm down. The Queen of Demons hears a loud bang rushing into the unit she see Marcel on the floor. June helps Marcel up, telling Davina that he's protecting her.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He defends himself holding his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"I don't believe you! You want to kill me just like everyone else!" Davina yells.

"Vina he's the one who put the protection spell on you." Juniper defends Marcel.

"That's why Tim's dead and you're not, and before you throw me again, if I had known anything was going to happen to your friend, I would have protected him, too." Marcel rushes out, Davina looks at June for confirmation. She nods.

"You're the one who saved me?" She asks still not believing it.

"Yeah, but now the witch who did the spell is in league with the rest of them so we had to take you away." June tells her reaching to hold her hand.

"We are trying to keep you safe. I am trying to keep you safe." Marcel walks toward Davina slowly, trying so hard to regain her trust. Davina scoffs. "Davina, look at me. I messed up. All this power that you have, it gave me an advantage. It helped me punish the witches, and it let me run the city, and I let that mean to much. Alright but that's over now. One survivor to another, all I want to do is keep you alive I swear." Marcel has tears in his eyes, showing that he truly does care for the young witch.

"I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me." Davina cries, both Juniper and Marcel comfort her. All of them hugging each other, all scared of the same thing.

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