Chapter 15

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"So your little bitch wants revenge, why?" Juniper asks moving the stray hairs from her face as she walks

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"So your little bitch wants revenge, why?" Juniper asks moving the stray hairs from her face as she walks.

"Back when I had the means to sire Hybrids, he was my first, although I didn't give him much choice in the matter. He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate, turned my other Hybrids against me. I couldn't have that. So I massacred the lot of them. Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off." The Original Hybrid explains Juniper hums in response before thinking.

"That couldn't have been the only thing you did to him. If it was that would be a pathetic excuse for revenge." Juniper stops walking turning to face him. "What else did you do?"

"Well, there was this business with his mum..." Klaus trails off allowing Juniper to put the pieces together.

"You killed his mother?" Juniper asks a smile forming on her lips. "Wow." She chuckles when Klaus smirks at her giving her the answer. "I could have hired you to kill my mother years ago but that would have taken the fun out of doing it myself."

Juniper freezes her demons are telling her that the Lockwood boy turned a werewolf into Hybrid with the unborn child's and Hayley's blood. They also tell her that Hayley managed to escape and that Elijah managed to find her.

"He found her." She tells him a small smile on her face.

"And we found him." Klaus looks at her they both share a sinister smile before catching up with the Lockwood boy.

"Hayley, don't make this harder than it has to be. Give up now... I'll end it quick." They hear Tyler Lockwood say as he searches through an abandonded camp site.

"Quite an offer, though not one I'll be extending to you." Klaus mocked the young hybrid turned to look at him.

"Klaus." Tyler sneers glaring at his creator.

"That's better than getting shot three times. With a shotgun." Juniper critizes the young hybrid's defense mecanism. He turns to her with wide eyes not believing that she is alive.

"Hello Tyler, you look well." Klaus tells him stepping forward. "We aim to change that."

"You threatened a pregnant woman, to get revenge on on him. That's a low blow. Don't you think?" Juniper questions slowly walking towards the young hybrid.

"I'm impressed." Klaus holds his arms out as if he were to imbrace his creation.

"I used to hang out with you. I guess something must have rubbed off."

"No shit, Sherlock." She rolls her eyes.

"What would Caroline say when I call her and tell her of your demise." Klaus growls at the boy.

"Caroline is never gonna stop hating you." Tyler snarels at Klaus, Juniper backhands the young hybrid he flies back hitting a tree.

"Is the little bitch not gonna put up a fight because his creator is here?" June mocks the Lockwood boy showing him her real eye color.

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