Chapter 9

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Juniper and Marcel drive to a bar that is closest to the Bayou waiting for Klaus to show up, the two talk about how they were going to wait to take Davina to the home in Ohio but decided to do it sooner since a lot of people know where she is curr...

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Juniper and Marcel drive to a bar that is closest to the Bayou waiting for Klaus to show up, the two talk about how they were going to wait to take Davina to the home in Ohio but decided to do it sooner since a lot of people know where she is currently staying at. She hears Rebekah's voice looking around to see what she is doing at this little bar but instead of seeing the female she sees the other blonde Original, she listens to the conversation that they are having about Hayley, Sophie and her wanting him to stall Marcel from going into the Bayou. The moment she hears the witch's name come from the vampire's mouth she knew this will be the perfect time to get her revenge.

"If I knew he was coming I would have stayed home," Juniper rolls her eyes when the Hybrid enters the bar.

"You act as if you are such a delight to be around," Klaus fires back ordering a drink.

"Calm down with the lovers quarrel." Marcel jokes causing both of them to look at each other and scoff rolling their eyes, Juniper bites her lip blushing slightly at the thought of having a serious relationship considering her last one was when she was sixteen the others have been meaningless flirting with some one night stands.

"So where's that informant of yours?" Juniper asks twirling her straw around her glass

"Tomas? He's out sniffing around. We'll chase him down after a quick drink." Marcel tells them, Juniper gets an idea 'I'll go help the girls and possibly distract good ol' Tomas while you make sure Marcel's glass stays full.' She uses her mind link with the Hybrid he nods his head questioning how she was able to do that.

"Shit. I have to take this, it's that asshole. This might be a while," She lies as she walks out of the bar pretending to answer the phone and talk walking into the Bayou until she is far away from people then uses her abilities to catch up with the girls.

"Okay then I'll ask the harmless questions, how did you meet her?" Klaus asks Marcel wanting to know how he met the Demon Queen.

"June? We did business together a while back she helped me figure out who was killing my guys. I told her that if she could bring me his head within two weeks then I would pay her double, then when she found him she brought me his head literally and that was within the same week that I asked her. She also managed to find out who else was working with him and kill them to. That girl is vicious a hell of a lot more than you and me combined, when she came back with his head she had this look on her face like she was so proud of what she had done but you'd never think a small girl like her could be a killer." Marcel boasts about her

"And what about her sister, Davina?"

"Okay so that might surprise you. This was eight months ago before I banned the witches from using magic, relations between the vampires and witches weren't what you'd call friendly by any means but lets just say we were a little less divided. June had asked me to keep an eye on Davina to make sure her mother doesn't do anything to her while she was out of town for the week, at the time Sophie Deveraux and I were getting along just fine having our fun she told me about this Harvest Ritual that the witches were doing and that all the sixteen year old girls were participating in them. Davina was one of them and since Juniper asked me to keep an eye on her I offered to help Sophie with anything she needed from the Harvest Ritual. Sophie went to the priest first but he couldn't do anything because it was already set in motion they weren't going to change their minds. They said it's an honor to be chosen for it, Sophie tells me that the witches put a hex on his nephew Sean, made it seem like he was slowly losing his mind in order to distract Kieran." Marcel stops shaking his head at what the witches did finding it not necessary for the witches to harm a kid.


"It's about time you guys showed up, I was getting bored." June tells them as she walks around the dead bodies, when her eyes land on Sophie she marches up to her and backhands the witch so hard she falls landing next to a dead body. "You know what that was for. Now hurry up we have less than thirty minutes to do this." Juniper tells them as Hayley investigates the massive paw prints that are imbedded on the muddy ground and the slashes that are scattered amongst the dead people and trees. The woman with jet black hair and silver highlights hides behind a tree when she sees someone coming, Marcel's informative freaks out when he looks at Rebekah using his vampire speed to run away. Rebekah calls Klaus telling him what happened, saying that he'll handle it but needs her to distract Marcel.


"I can't joke around about this, I've done a lot in my day but I do have a rule about kids. The only two people that questioned the Harvest was Sophie and June, she hated the fact that her little sister will be killed so she was trying to get Davina out of there but it was to late. They were lined up walking to the spot were it was supposed to take place, Father Kieran told me that they were going to do it that night and that he wanted me to stop it. So I did they had slit three out of the four girl's throat the only one being left was Davina, she fought she didn't just go along with the slaughter. I knew I had to protect her but not just because June asked me to but because I felt like her and I were kindred spirits. I let my guys kill all of the witches that were there but I told them to let Davina and June's mother live." Marcel explains.

"Why only let her live?" Klaus questions

"Because I knew June would have wanted to kill her, and she did. Right when she came back to town she made her mother suffer for neglecting her children, supposedly she did it to Juniper too. She hated her mother ever since she became what she is but she didn't kill her then because she knew Davina still needed her but when she found out her mother was part of the Harvest she didn't hesitate to do it. She became Davina's legal guardian protecting her from anyone at all cost, I don't blame her for wanting to shield Davina from the world she lost one thing that she cared about the most already."

"Well you're quite the knight in shining armor, though both of them must realize you owe them as much as they owe you. You never could have banned the witches without Davina and you never would have met Davina without Juniper."

"They aren't exactly besties with the witches. June and I are protecting Davina, a lot of them would like to get their hands on her and kill her to finish the Harvest. If they don't the other girls stay dead and they lose their power."

"And if they do, you lose yours. And Davina loses her life which won't happen especially when June's around." Marcel refills his glass as Rebekah shows up.

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