Chapter 19: "The Way I Am"

Start from the beginning

"I swore an oath to Bonnet when we discovered her demise along with the others; that I'll either be the one to destroy Baby if possible or she'll do the same to me. Not because I love Bonnet, which I do and always will until I end up wherever the hell we deserve to be placed in... but to ensure we have the mentality and will to kill William when we face him," Bon Bon answered. "Either I'm missing the meaning behind your explanation or your reasoning seems... eh. I guess it doesn't really make sense for you to say," expressed Helpy. "Oh so you expected this be all about me, huh?! Nothing big or shocking for you even though it is," said Bon Bon. "Jumping to conclusions li-" "Helpy, please," I said cutting him off. "You're saying you want us prepared to kill William when the time comes?" "I'm saying all of this is to have one of you, or Springtrap, not hesitate or back down during that moment; this is to build up all of us being able to kill a man... To kill a human being," he answered. "Let me ask the both of you this: Could the both of you kill William in front of him?" I stared at him for a moment, not really knowing to how to answer the question he posed to me. It was hard for someone to make me not respond to a question or what they had said, which was impressive for him to be able to do to me. "I mean... Could you kill him?" asked Helpy. "I asked the both of you first!" huffed Bon Bon frustrated with Helpy's question. "Never said anything about us having to answer first; like we're obligated to regardless," he responded. "Fine! I don't know if I could kill a human being myself," answered Bon Bon. "Killing animatronics seems so simpler, like our lives mean less to humans. Always was their intention for our kind." "I... haven't considered really the thought of that. Hearing from Michael and what his father had done to him, to all those children and everyone affected by his indirect presence that loomed on those, was enough to motivate on joining this cause. Now its become a dire situation where billions and this world will perish to either submit to William's future, or die in the forgotten past that is to be replaced," I responded. "This just shows I still have yet to understand the morality I carry and I won't know unless I'm the one that will be chosen to cut off the head of the serpentine." "And what about you? Or you're going to insult this discussion more?" Bon Bon said to Helpy, as he was looking at him now.  "Can't back out of a conversation like this," he responded. "Uh... Hard to say. Basically what Mangle said; I won't know unless that moment happens. I've never killed or destroyed an animatronic like Mangle has: She, Bonnie, Springbonnie, and Michael are more experienced in the battlefield and being in a fight than everyone else and me. Killing machines that have once-lived souls controlling them, that would make my skin crawl, if I had some, but my courage could outweigh my fear... Killing a human being... They have one life, unlike us. Sure if we lose our memory chips we're bound to be fucked in the capacity that involves our entire lifespan, but our bodies remain replaceable. You can't kill a human and bring them back alive... Well maybe the human race could figure something out, William proved that already with Michael and the children that were killed by him." "Then who's to say the others are unsure of their nature to take the life of our makers," said Mangle. "Doesn't matter, one of us will have to strike down William if we want to end this conflict," said Bon Bon. "Well... It depends how we go about doing that. Punching him with a pool of blood to be left behind when its over, we could do it but sounds harsh. Shooting him with a gun? Quick an easy, but could dehumanize you with such power unless you can control that inner demon in you, as well as even having the mental capacity to hold such a weapon... The Re- I'll just stop and get to the point. The way we end his life also demonstrates how far our mentality can be tested," expressed Helpy. "But how does killing Baby connect with that separate equation?" I asked still unsure of Bon Bon's explanation. "Some of us need a reason to drive on being able to kill William, things that'll have us fueled with anger and enough to be motivated to accomplish what we've been fighting for," answered Bon Bon. "You want to give Michael a reason to kill his father when he is given the opportunity. You want him to be the one to kill his father," I said realizing his plan. "He has to be the one. This all started because of him and by him wanting to have his dad pay for all he had done," responded Bon Bon. "And I swore for Bonnet that I won't let revenge drive me to kill Baby; nothing personal, just what I can do to assist the team." "Tactically and strategically... I'm amazed at the purpose of this idea," I said. "Though... your attitude and way of going about things still needs work." Bon Bon's expression changed once he heard me mention his attitude; it seemed he was just hoping I wouldn't bring it up now. "Credit is credit. I would be happy with that," said Helpy. "Well, I'm doing this because this is the way I am, how I've always been... " responded Bon Bon. "... but also because Springtrap doesn't have what it takes to kill his father, even his own sister who is corrupted beyond anything. Doesn't even realize his own sister has been manipulating him on giving her forgiveness each time they encounter another, enough for my stomach to turn with the food I had for breakfast. It disgusts me." "So he's gone soft. I wasn't here for when he was like the devil, which thank god I probably wouldn't want be around, but it seems you want the old him back. Maybe it's different preferences but that's just insanity to say aloud," said Helpy. "I mean it. No shit I despised being around his douchebag attitude and constant reminder of finding, who we thought was Henry at the time, his father. Not to forget saying one thing he didn't like made it seem like he would rip your endo-skeleton right out of you. But the old him had more motivation and desire to kill his father," said Bon Bon. "Can't trade apart of the old him to add to the new him," said Helpy sarcastically. "Thanks for letting me know something I'm aware of! Which is why I want to add that trait back to Springtrap, if you're not aware," said Bon Bon in reaction. I shot a glare at the both of them, as they both seemed to notice it immediately. "Hey, he's the one brewing the anger, not me," said Helpy. "Look Springtrap, or your boyfriend, has gained a soft spot. Too much of a soft spot. He's thinks not killing and persuading our enemies to realize their mistakes, along with only using his strength to only protect the others has made him weak. He can distance himself from what he was once was, good for him, but his tame attitude is going to break us apart. He can't give his life away by just surrendering it," continued Bon Bon. "He's been through a lot. I haven't seen it all, but enough to understand his change from what he once was... But you bring up a good point. He's completely devolved everything he's been through to provide himself a shell of his former self. Or this is who he was when he was Michael, and who he is now by retaining that identity. He needs to find balance between the old him and the new one to enhance the type of person he needs to be; for us and the sake of ending his father, if he indeed is the one to do it," I said in response. "He can probably do it, just needs a kick in the leg to wake up," responded Bon Bon. "Yeah, I'm gonna guess you haven't thought how fucked up it is to manipulate events to end this conflict. Giving your whole life to have him fueled by grief in order to kill his father doesn't sound right and is a huge gamble," said Helpy. "Fair point. What happens if his ideals don't change by your demise or his sister's when it happens? Have you thought about an alternative solution, like considering another candidate that'll be able to end William's life?" I said. "No. I haven't. I don't see anyone else fit to take Springtrap's role. Not anymore," responded Bon Bon. "What about Freddy, huh? Excluding his existence ain't going to change a damn thing here," said Helpy. "Freddy doesn't have what it takes to kill William, he hasn't since we lost the first time," responded Bon Bon. "Michael mentioned your bond with Freddy before falling to William, how there were no disruptions and feuds between the both of you. I wish to know the outcome for this," I said him. "He's weak now, that's why," responded Bon Bon. "'Weak' sure is a favorite term of him to use," pointed out Helpy. "Including you as well," said Bon Bon in response to his comment. "Attention. On the topic," I said reverting him back into the conversation. "He's weak for thinking he can figure out a problem by himself; by allowing something so small to change the way he is. Finding out Bonnet, Ballora, Yenndo, and Lolbit are dead, that the enemy have an A.I helping them, the death of many animatronics from your world. And can't continue on because he choose to not deal with the problem, which I could resolve in under a minute," answered Bon Bon. "He's gone out with the team this time and seems to be talking with Duality about his internal struggles. You don't call that dealing with the problem?" said Helpy. "He's still weak regardless. I'm done looking up to someone who can't take care of their own well-being and to someone who can't hope at least... Springtrap... Michael is our own chance of killing William. And if he can't do that. Well it was nice fighting for the results to end that way," responded Bon Bon. "But this plan, your life... Is this really the way to end this conflict? Is it worth it?" I asked. "You tell me, you and I already know my answer," said Bon Bon. "Then this is our only way of stopping Afton, something I may as well just put my trust into. This plan and you," I responded. "You really are someone that prevails against all odds for change, and I respect you for that. At least in that regard," I said. "Surprised you're even receiving some respect in the first place," said Helpy. "Like I said, this is all for the benefit for the team and for winning this. All I want is to support my family and those we've lost and suffered throughout all this. Even if I don't get to see it all end I want to know my actions saved everyone on this world and us included, it's how I want to be remembered by," responded Bon Bon

"I don't know. That's just the way I am." 

To see someone trying to move forward against all odds, it definitely reminded me of Fredbear or Michael. I understood now that Bon Bon wanted to enact change and save those who could not fend for themselves. Ideals of a hero and a protector. However his view of the balance of the strong and the weak mirrored those who sought to focus on the strong, and leave the weak with nothing to offer them. Even with him want to help those in need, it only came to who he felt like and not everyone that was suffering in any way. If we really did understand the type of person he was, than surely he could change the type of person he was and better his flaws. At this point he was just accepting the person he was, and ignoring the path of change. An ignorance of change would only mean he would never grow and become a better person. He won't change and everyone won't stop hating him because of his ignorance. That's just the way it is.

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