Chapter 36: Twin Confession

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Chapter 36: Twin Confession

Shinji Kobato's POV

February 13 2020, Thursday, 10:34 P.M.

"Alright! That'll do it!" I said as we finished making the chocolates for tomorrow.

"I'm sure that they'll gonna like this!" Shizuki said.

"Yeah, we put so much effort on making these." I replied and then, silent surrounded us but then,

"Tomorrow's the day eh?" Shizuki asked.

"There's no turning back now." I replied and then, Shizuki yawned.

"Let's sleep for today! We need to replenish our energy for our battle tomorrow." Shizuki told me.

"Go on first, I'll just wrap these." I told him.

"Okay then, Good Night." He said.

"Good Night." I replied and he went to our room.

(A/N: They live in an apartment xD Not a yaoi couple :P)

I removed the chocolates from the pan and I started to wrap it. After that, I placed them on the fridge. I sat down on the sofa and I took the locket from my pocket. I stared at it and I narrowed my eyes.

"I’ll claim your answer, Chizumi." I murmured.


Kiro Akatshi's POV

February 14 2020, Friday, 6:15 A.M.

"150 yen sir." The old lady said as she wrapped the croquette that I bought.

"Here." I said as I lend the money and I took the croquette.

"Thank you." The old lady said and I just nodded. I started to walk on the way to Yuni's house. As I reached her house,

"Excuse me!" I yelled as I knocked at the door and then, Ayako-san opened the door.

"Good morning, Ayako-san." I greeted her.

"Good morning" She replied.

"Where's Yuni?" I asked.

"She's still asleep. We tried to wake her up but, she's sleeping peacefully." She replied.

"I see." I murmured.

"Do you want some tea? Or coffee?" Ayako-san asked.

"I'll have a coffee." I said with a smile.

"Please come in." She said as she turned his back and I followed.

"Thank you." I replied. As we reached the kitchen, I saw Rei and Ayumi packing their lunch while Ryuu-san was busy reading the newspaper. As they noticed me,

"Kiro-nii!/ Nii-chan! Good morning!" Rei and Ayumi greeted me.

"Good Morning! Kiro-kun!" Ryuu-san yelled.

"Good morning" I replied and then, Ryuu-san rose from his chair and he wrapped his arms on my shoulders.

"What's with the new look? You're already wearing glasses? Wait, are those fake?" He asked.

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