Important Note from the Author

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Hi guys! It's been a while since I last updated this story. Actually, the 43rd part of this chapter is in progress. But I'd made my decision.....

I won't continue this story anymore.

I forgot everything that happened to my story and I can barely remember some fragments. I think there's about 2 or 3 chapters left but I don't know why I decided to cut it off at a time where it's about to finish. I'm really disappointed because I was not able to complete my first story.

To be honest, I'm just an amateur writer. Some say the story is good but you know, I don't really agree.

This story is mediocre. I only specialize at writing comedy skits and romantic scenes. Without them, this story will become pure shit.

Reasons vary why I'm not contented from what I'd made. First of all, the characters are out of their personality. Don't you agree? Their personalities were only based on their moods. If you observed it, then you shall probably know what I meant.

Another reason is that I can't express my thoughts formally. There are too many dialogs. Same words were frequently repeated. Grammatical errors and typos can be also seen.

Lastly, the plot and the story line went worse than I anticipated. Like what happened here shouldn't be like this. He could have done that and this could have happened and the route could have been better. I kept on making mistakes up to the point where the planned ending became impossible to happen.

Being busy is not a reason for me because I believe that someone will find a way to do things they want to do even with their tight schedule.

And so, I want to thank everyone who read all the chapters and the ones who left a feedback after reading. Of course, the ones who voted as well.

I'm sorry for ending this story with a cliffhanger. If you're really curious about it, Please send a Private Message to me and I'll tell you the ending and the adjustments that I could've made.

But despite all of these, I never regret making this story even though it makes me cringe a little since I'd already bailed out of my weeb phase. I'm really glad that I made this story because I was able to highlight my weaknesses, skills, mistakes and the things I have to adjust for my future writing career.

Not to mention, I just want to say that I'm planning to make another story that's way more better than this one. It's entitled 'Gate of Apocalypse' (Title may be changed) but It won't be published here in Wattpad.

I guess it's about time to say goodbye. I'm sorry for taking your time and attention. I will be signing out from Wattpad and I guess I won't be coming back as a writer anymore. Rest assured, I will still read your messages and comments!

Well then, Good bye! It's not long but it's been fun!

-MigzSangil(Author of 'Fate of Loving')

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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