Chapter 19: All Things Has Their Replacement

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A/N: I'd decided! I will still use their nicknames! Sorry if I neglected it last time. Also. Thank you for your reads! :). I already reached 1k. I'm glad it did. I am really inspired when I imagined the ending of the story. It made me tear. It's more dramatic than the previous ones. Anyway. Please vote and send your feed backs! :) I am also accepting some suggestions. Feel free to give...


Chapter 19: All Things Has Their Replacement

Kashi Fujimoto's POV

"Always take care Ilya, Keep in mind that I'm always at your side okay?" I said to Ilya

"Yeah. I will. I will never forget the memories we cherished together." She replied

"After we finished our studies. Let's meet again. And let's get married. We'll struggle hard and we'll build our own happy family." 

"I will seal my heart. You are the only one for me Kashi. I promise that I will wait for that time."

"Promise?" I pointed my pinky to Ilya.

"Yeah!" And both of us made a pinky promise.

"They are not meant to be broken okay?"


"Before you leave. I want to give you something." I took a locket and wore it to Ilya's neck. Then, I also grabbed a necklace with a key on it. "If we met again. We'll unlock that locket. That locket contains the most precious thing you will ever see in this world."

"Yeah! I will wait for it!" She smiled at me. 

I hugged Ilya tightly. It seems like I can't take it so I cried on Ilya's shoulder. "I will miss you Ilya. Promise me. Let's meet again!" 

Ilya didn't resisted and she also cried. "I-I will. I will do all what it takes to meet you again Kashi."

I released Ilya and I kissed her in the forehead.

Kiro went besides us. "Yo. It seems like the romantic farewell is already finished. Mind if we bid a friendly farewell?" He told us. 

"S-Sure." I replied while wiping my tears away.

He looked back and stared at the others and nodded. All of them went besides us.

"Ilya. Remember the lesson you learned from me okay?" Kiro told her.

"Yeah. I will always keep that in mind."

Then, Chizumi went to her and held her hands. "H-Hey. I-If you met your friends there. Don't exchange us for them okay? Always remember us!"

"Sure! I will never exchange my most precious friends for anything. It is the most precious gift that I received so far." Ilya replied.

"S-Sorry if I became mean to you. The truth is. I want to be more closer to you. But. There comes a time that you have to leave." Yuni said.

"N-No! It's certainly okay! I didn't hate you. The truth is I want to be close to you too." 

Ilya smiled at her and Yuni smiled back.

Then, The next ones were Shiina and Yoshina. "I-Ilya. I know were not close to each other. B-But. I really had fun with you even with your limited time. It's great to be with you." Shiina said.

"It's great!" Yoshina added.

"Yeah. Thank you for considering me." She replied.

Then, Lisa. "Even with the short time we had. I am really happy to meet you! You are really kind! If I just have more time to be with you. Isn't it great?"

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