Chapter 42: Song of our Lives

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Chapter 42: Song of our Lives

Kiro Akatshi's POV

"Graduation Song?"

"That's right! And I'm asking you to write one for me! Can you?" Sensei asked. I held my chin as I started to consider to accept Sensei's favor.

"I guess it's fine" I answered as I finally decided to accept Sensei's request.

"Really?" She asked out of surprise.

"Well, I don't really guarantee a nice set of lyrics. Poetry isn't really my thing." I modestly said.

"Being modest are we?" Yuni asked me, probably because she does not accept my opinion.

"Your lyrics aren't bad. In fact, they're really great!" Sensei encouraged me.

"Is that so?" I asked while Yuni just nodded with her usual smile on her face.

"Uhh, may I ask something? Sensei?" Yuni asked.

"Go on"

"Is it really our school's priority to write its own graduation song?" Yuni asked once more.

"Yeah, it's our school's tradition to have its own graduation song." Sensei answered.

"Tradition eh? Do you require a certain theme? Like piano and vocals or something?" I asked.

"It's up to you" Sensei answered.

"Let's go with Hardcore Metal then!" I suggested.

"Hardcore Metal is a bit, out of theme for graduation, you see?" Yuni told me as she stared at me sharply.

"Yeah, I know that much. I'm just messing with you." I told Yuni.

"Well, Hardcore Metal isn't a bad idea." Sensei said as she began to consider my opinion.

"She took it seriously!!" me and Yuni coincidentally said.

"But I think it's awkward to play some hardcore music during graduation." Sensei said as she finally realized it.

"Of course it is." Yuni murmured.

"Well, let's go with rock then." I suggested.

"I prefer piano and vocals though." Yuni told me.

"Shall you do it by yourself then?" I asked her.

"I won't perform by myself. Besides, I can't sing." Yuni answered as she stared at me with a slightly-angry face.

"Of course you wouldn't. I guess there are no other themes we can perform aside from Rock Music." I told them,

"But if you'll go with rock music, you'll need more people." Yuni added.

"Can we ask the band who performed during the cultural festival to help us then?" Sensei asked us.

"I doubt that they'll accept our proposal. But I guess I can handle the guitar and vocals." I answered.

"I'll play the piano." Yuni added.

"Are you sure that it's fine? But I already asked you this much!" Sensei told us.

"It's fine! Well, I guess we still have to find the drums, bass and rhythm guitar eh? I'll try to ask Lisa for the bass." I inferred.

"I think the 4-eyed ape is also playing the drums." Yuni told me.

"Kashi? You must be kidding!" I said.

"Weird right?" Yuni asked. "Hmm!" I nodded as a reply.

"Well, I guess we'll just ask the two to help us. We still have to find someone who'll play the rhythm though. Well, whatever. Is that fine? Sensei?" I asked.

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