Chapter 40: Bind

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Chapter 40: Bind


Kiro Akatshi’s POV

It’s been a week since me and Yuni argued about my departure. She’s not yet talking to me probably because she’s still mad. I already tried to approach her many times but, she just kept on ignoring me. I kept on asking her questions but she kept on ditching them. I always pay a visit on her house but whenever I stay, she’ll just lock herself in her room. To be honest, I’m really worried about our relationship. No matter what I do, it’s no use. But I just can’t surrender. On the day she got mad at me, I promised something for myself.

And that is to make up with her before I leave Japan.


March 09 2020, Monday, 6:11 A.M.

I’m walking at the street, going to school. I decided to stop by Yuni’s house. Even though it’s still useless, I’ll keep on paying her a visit until she’ll talk to me.

As I’m walking, “Kiro-kun!” I turned my look back. Whom I saw was Chizumi and Hana.

“Good morning” I greeted them as they approached me.

“Good morning” They said coincidentally. As they reached me, we started to walk again.

“Are you going straight to school, Kiro-kun?” Hana asked me.

“I’ll stop by Yuni’s house.” I answered.

“Such a loyal boyfriend eh?” Chizumi asked.

“Not really” I told her while I’m scratching my head.

“Kiro-kun, would you mind it if we’ll pay a visit too?” Hana asked me.

“Are you sure? Won’t you get late?” I asked her.

“It’s fine” Hana answered.

“How about you, Chizumi?” I asked once more.

“It’s fine, I guess.” She replied.

“Alright, let’s go then” I said.

As we reached her house,


“Excuse me!” I yelled as I finished knocking at the door.

“Ah, wait a minute!” Someone yelled back inside. In a moment, I heard some footsteps and then, the door opened. “Oh! Nii-chan! Senpai! Good morning” Rei greeted.

“Good morning.” The three of us greeted her back.

“Please come in!” She told us.

“Thanks” I thanked her.

“Pardon the intrusion” Chizumi added while Hana just smiled at Rei.

As we entered, we went to the living room. There, we saw Ayumi, Ayako-san, and Ryuu-san. We greeted them as we entered and then, we sat down on some futons that was prepared by Ayako-san.

“Thanks” I thanked Ayako-san while she just nodded.

“Do you want something else?” Ayako-san asked us.

“We’re fine” Chizumi answered.

“U-Uhh. Pardon the sudden intrusion!” I told Ryuu-san.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Well, do you need something?” He asked me.

“It’s nothing really important, I just want to pay Yuni a visit. Hoping that we’ll make up.” I told him.

“Hmm. Such a loyal boyfriend eh? You’re really the one! Hahaha!” He told me as he continuously patted my left shoulder. “Ahahaha.” I tried to force out a laugh while scratching my head.

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