Chapter 12:Facing Reality Back

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A/N:Yo! I had already thinked of some topic!

I hope you will enjoy it! :D

And I hadn't think of some nice title!

Sorry for it!

All right! Let's go!


Chapter 12:Facing Reality Back

Kiro Akatshi's POV

I don't know what time is it.

I don't know where I am.

You cannot take a hint.

On this dark dimension where I stand.

I kept on walking and walking on this endless place.

When suddenly, A voice can be heard.

"Kiro Akatshi, A young guy who saved a young girl's life. Who sacrificed himself even in the means of his death.

Kiro:Who are you!?

"I doesn't matter if who am I."

Kiro:What do you need from me?

"I don't need something from you. You need something from me."

Kiro:What are you even saying?

"Do you still want to live and take all the pain for the person you love?"

Kiro:Y-Yes I do.

"Are you sure? You'll protect her even though your life is in the line?

Kiro:I WILL! I will protect all of the person I love! 

"Oh? Is that so?"

Suddenly, A shard of light pierced through my stomach.

Kiro:ARGH!! What are you d-doing?

"Look back"

When I looked behind me.

I saw Yuni, Tomika, Kashi, Satori, Shiina, Yoshina, Shinji, Shizuki, Lisa, Lyra, and Amy staring at me with their happy faces.


"Are you gonna die because I pierced your stomach?"


"Will you sacrifice your life to save all of the person behind you?"

Kiro:I will. 

"What if you died here?"

I suddenly puked blood.

"You'll gonna die."

Kiro:No. I'LL NOT DIE!

Then, Smaller shards of light pierced in my body.

Kiro:ARGH! ARGH! Who are you!? What do you need!?

"I already told you. You are the one that seeks a favor from me."

Kiro:You brat!

I suddenly felt rage and both of my eyes changed colors.

I pulled all of the shard of light pierced in my body.

Then, The floating hooded man threw something on me.

Is it?

A sword?

Is he picking a fight?

"I want to test your strenght. If you die here. You'll not wake up. If you defeated me. You'll go back."

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