Chapter 22: You Made Me Helpless

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Chapter 22: You Made Me Helpless

Third person's POV

Few hours later. As the clock reached 5:00 PM. 

Kashi, along with Shinji and Shizuki stayed few meters away from the others. "Hey, I'll get revenge to Kiro." Kashi said.

"Eh? What revenge?" Shizuki asked.

Kashi moved his head to Shizuki's ear and whispered something. "Hohoho! That will be great!" Shizuki said.

"What's that? Kashi-kun?" Shinji asked.

"Shizuki. Tell him." 

"Yes sir!" And Shizuki explained it to him. "That's evil! But I want to see his expression later! So! I'm in!" Shinji said.

"I'll let you feel the pain which I felt that day. Kiro Akatshi. Hohohoho." Kashi said.

Soon, As they reached the inn. They ate their dinner. As Kai stood up infront while they were eating. "Ehem! Everyone! I want to inform you that there will be a test of courage after you take the hot spring! All of you must participate! Also you! Ken-kun!" She said.

"Okay." Ken replied.

"I'll let this jar with papers go around! Pick one paper! No changing! The blue papers are for the boys! The red ones are for the girls!" Kai explained and the jar rounded. As soon as all of them finished picking. "What did you got? Kashi?" Kiro asked him. 

"I got 22. How about you?" 

"Uhh. Dunno." Kiro showed him his paper.

"Eh? Extra?" He asked.

"Who got the paper with the word extra written on it?" Kai asked.

Kiro raised his arm. "Uhh. I did." He said.

"Oh! Kiro-kun is the lucky guy!" Kai said.

"Eh. How?" Kiro asked.

Kai went to him and whispered something and Kiro smirked. "I see. I do eh?" Kiro said.

"Sure you are!" and Kai smiled. As she left.

"Hey hey Kiro. What did she said?" Kashi asked.

"Nothing. Don't wanna tell anybody."

"Come on!" Kashi elbowed Kiro's side weakly.

"It doesn't matter." Kiro replied.

"Gosh. You're so mean." Kashi added.

After we ate our dinner, I went to my room and I prepared two towels. As Kashi entered. 

"Yo! Kiro-kun! Are you going to the hot spring?" Kashi asked.


"I see. Oh! I forgot something! Just go first okay? I'll catch up." Kashi said.

"Sure. I'll wait for ya." Kiro replied.

"Okay. I'm off now." As Kashi turned his back. He smirked widely. 

When he reached the place where the hot spring for the girls and boys were divided. "Security?" Kashi asked.

"Check!" Shinji and Shizuki said.

"Banners changed?" Kashi asked once more.


"Good work! Shinji! Shizuki!" Kashi played with his finger. "Suffer. Kiro Akatshi. Hohoho." 

And the three of them tiptoed and they peeked at the end of the hallway. As they saw Kiro walking. "Here he goes!" 

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