When I feel that we have been through the whole rack, I get their attention and tell them come over so they can judge the dresses.

Trying on dress after dress keeps getting more frustrating because nothing fits right or the color is wrong. I have three dresses to try on before I lose my mind. There's a maroon one, a black one and a green one. Gemma said that the maroon would look good, regardless if people think it's tacky or not.

I take a deep breath before trying the maroon one on, figuring I can rule that one out first because of the color. It's a long dress with a slit up the leg. The bodice of it is a large bow, but not overwhelmingly so. It is somewhat fitted, but not tight enough to make me uncomfortable. The sleeves are small and draped slightly above the elbow.

Stepping out to show Mary, Anne and Gemma, they give me a look that says 'almost.' They don't hate it, but they don't love it. I don't love it either.

Next, I try on the black one. This dress is off the shoulder and long. Like the maroon one, it has a slit up the leg. I like this style because it reminds me of the dress I wore on my super fancy date with Harry. Looking in the mirror, I realize it's a lot more fitted than the one I just tried on.

This one is much better than the maroon one, but black happens to be my favorite color to wear. It goes with everything and is very slimming. However, I don't feel that this is the dress I should be wearing.

I get a much better reaction out of this one, and I tell the girls I have one more to try on. I'm not surprised that they aren't trying dresses on because they've had this planned forever, but I do wish someone else was showing off their dresses. It would take the attention off me.

Finally, I put the green dress on. This one is a V-neck to off the shoulder. It also has crystal straps kind of like a tank top. The dress is the most fitted one that I thought I would hate it. Turns out it's the opposite. I love this dress. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and break out into a huge smile. Biting my lip to hide my smile, I open the curtain.

All of their heads snap to look at me and I can tell they love it.

"It's perfect!" Anne says at the same time Mary says, "You look so beautiful!"

"This is the one." I state, showing them my big smile.

"Both Niall and Harry are going to die seeing you in this." Gemma gives me a wink and I shake my head at her.

We go to the cash register, and I ask about a tux for Stephen. She tells me they have one that will fit him nicely, but I have to buy it, not rent it. I agree because who knows what events my dad will force us to go to in the future.

I checkout, pay for everything and we leave. The time is now 3:30 which means it took us three and a half hours to find one dress. I hate shopping unless it's to relieve stress. This trip induced stress.

The ladies drop me off at Niall's after grabbing a quick something to eat. I'm not surprised to see all three boys asleep on the couch. Stephen isn't one for naps, but looking at the other two's attire, they obviously went to the soccer field and ran around for the three and a half hours I was gone.

I chuckle but put blankets over them. Stephen is curled up on top of Louis so I take a few quick photos. How did all of these guys get so good with children? It honestly melts my heart. I give my son a kiss on the head and go back to my designated room.

Within a half an hour, I hear them awake and moving around the living room. Niall pokes his head into my room. "I thought you were here! Where's the dress?"

"In the closet." I nod my head towards it. "And no, you can't see it before tomorrow night. I want it to be a surprise."

He gives me a sad face and puppy dog eyes, pleading with me to show him. "Can you at least tell me the color? I want to match my tie to it."

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