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(Human years) Two years ago, I left everyone behind. Two years ago, I felt betrayed, two years ago, I felt like I was alone. But now I know I am alone. I helped air wolves take control of their own land, but they refused to become my allies and threw me away. Fire wolves have begun to rise, but without me, searching for me. I don't want to be found. So I traveled to the blood lands, hoping to find shelter.

"I'm tired and hungry..." a distant voice, it sounds like a... Human!? I crawled over to check out the scene, "Sorry, but we are in wolf territory, we can not let our guard down." I'm hungry too. Maybe I can eat... 

A strange looking piece of wood flew to me, and struck me on my hind left leg, "Agh!" I yelled, then looked straight ahead of me. "that's a young elemental wolf. She won't hurt you."

Bark!(You little brat!), I hope they understand me. "Hey calm down, let me try something." The taller one came close, and slowly grabbed the wood and pulled it off my leg, I whimpered, trying to communicate the pain. "I know, I know, it hurts, but you're in safe hands now." as soon as he took it off, I jumped and tried to pin him down. 

"Whoa, easy there girl." He was able to put me down, "Break language barrier!" He yelled out, I was startled by him, and the following wind. Suddenly it stopped. "Can you understand me? My name is Keiji Stone, and this is my youngest daughter, Kayla."

I looked at Kayla, "You hurt me, why?" I asked her, to my surprise she understood me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I thought you were some rabbit." I sighed, "It's fine. What are humans doing here?" I asked the male.

"I came here to show Kayla what realms she will protect when she is older." I once saw Fang, but he looked human. Maybe if I think I'm human I'll become one. Suddenly I looked human, "My name is Lovette, but many call me Charm Queen. I am 16 years old." the other girl jumped in joy, "Me too! I am also 16, and a queen!"

I felt something run down my left leg. I looked down to see it, human clothing was on me, something that was small and showed my legs more than Kayla's human fur. I could see blood dripping down my leg. "Wow! You're beautiful." Kayla exclaimed, as I inspected the blood. I lifted up the human fur to see where the blood was coming from, "Hey! Wait, don't do that." Another male!?

He ran and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from the human fur, "Jeez dad, you didn't even see she was bleeding. Where did you come from?" He seemed to want to comfort me. "Kayla do you know how to make chairs?" She shook her head, and made something appear in less than a second. The younger man sat me down on it, lifted my leg up not too high, and got out something to wrap it up, "That should stop the bleeding." He looked up at me, and immediately his face turned red.

"I live here, this place is my home." He looked at his dad, who left. "Kayla where did he go?" Kayla shrugged, not knowing where. I heard some twigs snap from behind, and fell down with the chair and rolled with fire ready to be used. I looked around, but all I saw was a squirrel. "Ah jeez, fluff, you scared me." Fluff looked up at me, "Lovette? Is that you?" I nodded.

The Rise Of Charm QueenWhere stories live. Discover now