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I left Emerald city. Leaving behind my best friend, Fang. I hope they don't kill you. The other fire wolves followed me. "Charm! Was that your name?" They caught up to me. They didn't look scared. "You don't fear me? Or hate me?" I asked them.

"No, you are like us. Fire." The only other female spoke. "And we have to stick together." I looked back at Emerald city. "He told me not to stay. Or jump in." The wolves gathered around me, "it's okay, it was not your fault." One of them looked at me, "You are still a pup. You have much to learn."

"I'm not a pup." The female chuckled a little, "Sweetie, you are a pup. But you are strong." I don't like being called a pup, it makes me feel small. "Okay, so what do we do about the Elders?" The female looked at me,  "Our little Charm princess killed one of them." First pup, now little? "I didn't mean to do it." I said. I lost control. “Don’t worry, because you are still young, you may not be able to control your element with ease.” I looked down, understanding the amount of trouble I put myself in, I messed up.

"Ok, so the Elders are definitely going after me." I said, hoping to make allies. "Yes due to you killing one of them." Another wolf spoke, "but I personally don't care. You may have saved my life, but at your own cost." The female looked at him in disappointment. "You are just upset that a young pup like her saved you. And you could not have done it yourself without dying." She looked at me, "I will help keep you safe. And train you as well."

"Okay, thank you." She nodded her head, "Call me Red." Red, I like that name. "Okay Red." She looked at the other wolves, "You are to help me help this pup." She looked at all of them as though she were a queen. "Indeed, Red." The other wolves didn't say much.

"Red!" A wolf yelled from a far. "They are looking for us." She got closer, "We need to find a place to hide." My face lit up with excitement, "I know a place. It's where I always hide."

The Rise Of Charm QueenWhere stories live. Discover now