She Restarts

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My eyes opened, and the room I was in seemed familiar. "My head." I mumbled as I put my paw on my head, what happened? I stood up and looked around, "Exit." I looked at an opening in the den, "where is everyone else at." I closed my eyes to try and remember. Slowly I heard voices "she was filled with hatred. We had agreed that Akari would kill her." Then another, she is still a pup" I opened my eyes, "They..." they wanted to kill me!? For now, I will hide any suspicions. Then I'll understand better later on. "Charm Queen!" Scar ran in. He said I was still a pup.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked after I heard some screams, "We are being ambushed and attacked. We need to get you out of here." Scar, I will ask him. He will help me understand. I surrounded the room with blue fire. "Scar. I don't want to hurt you." He looked at me surprised, "No way..." he said, "Why did they want to kill me? Why do they believe I am filled with hatred?" He looked at me, with his kind gaze sparing my life, "Because of actions like this. If you don't want them to believe in such things stop acting out of anger. It's dangerous."

I slowly took away the fire. I understand, "So, I'm the only one not allowed to feel angry or hate?" He shook his head, "No, you can feel those emotions, just don't act upon them. Don't let them make your choices." He turned around, "I will not tell them of this. You have my trust. Don't lose it." I won't. You are the only one I can fully trust. "Is it true?" He moved his head so that I can be in his view without directly facing me, "Is what true?" I looked at him then down at my paws, "Are both of them my sisters?" He looked away, "I also didn't know. But if they ask, I didn't tell you."

"Come on, let's go." He suddenly changed his attitude, hiding what he had just said easily, without a trace of it. I followed him, taking two left turns. Dust, or dirt was falling from the ceiling of the halls. Soon we reached the back exit, "You will see Kai is waiting for you over there. The rest of us will catch up with you." He was demanding that I follow his orders. I ran down the hill, my paw hit a small rock, toppling me over. I began to roll down the hill.

"Hey, having fun?" Kai met me at the bottom of the hill. My gaze was spinning, I felt dizzy. "No, I tripped." I said as my vision focused, I looked around and saw a forest. I followed Kai into the forest, which seemed kind of scary for me. "Are you sure this place is safe?" I asked Kai, we passed an old tree that looked like some sort of monster, "Yeah, it's safe. Ask the squirrel." I looked to my side. There stood a squirrel, staring at me, "What are you looking at?" I looked at Kai, "at you, squirrel."

It jumped on my back, "If only there was a place for loyal animals, there you'd be safe for sure." She stretched and jumped off, "Are you not scared of us?" I asked her, she laughed and looked at me, "You're a pup. What danger can you bring. And he is a nice wolf. Bye now. I've got nuts to store." She ran up a tree and disappeared. I looked straight forward, "She didn't seem to be in any danger, so I guess it is safe."

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