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"Welcome to my home." I looked over at the wolves. My first guests aside from Fang. Fang!? "Hey, I left my friend back there. I want to go back to get him." I said to Red. "Yeah, he seemed like a great wolf. However, for now we train." 

"Wow! This is your home?" The other female asked. "Yes, I know it's not the best, but at least it's something." She seemed impressed by my home. A small cave on a mountain, one where no one searches for anyone. "Where are your parents?" Red asked me. Parents.

"Not home." I replied. I haven't seen them since they told me they were going on a trip to… "The Elders." I spoke, outloud. "What about them?" The other wolves gathered around. "Nothing. It's nothing." I wanted to change the subject immediately. "So training?"

"This home seems familiar to me." The other female said. "Almost as if I used to live here." Interesting. I wonder how long she lived here. "What did you say your name was?" She asked me. "Charm princess." No one gets to know my real name. "Funny, I thought I heard your friend call you Love or something like that." Red said.

"Love. Love… Lovette!" The other female shouted. "I knew it. Oh my..." She seemed to be excited. "Listen you don't know me that well. But I'm…" she paused, and began to cry. "Are you okay?" I asked trying to comfort her. "Yes, s-sister." Sister? I stood there, in shock. "I'm yo.." she cut off again. She took a deep breath, "Mom and dad. They are no longer with us. And I have been searching for you."

Mom, dad? They're dead! No, no. I. I'm still waiting. I'm still waiting for their return. "This can't be true." I said as I slowly backed up to a little cavern. My eyes filled with tears, "I waited for so long." I went in deeper. "Wait, come back! Please don't leave me!" My apparent older sister said. I need to think about… "I need time on my own."

The Rise Of Charm QueenWhere stories live. Discover now