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"You! You let them get away!" Extinguisher yelled at me. "Do you know how dangerous they are?" He wanted me to see that side of them. "If they want," I paused to breathe, "they can be dangerous, just like you" my voice was giving up on me.

"Oh, and you think she will come back and save you." I slowly tried to get up. "You have no idea," I couldn't speak for a second. My limbs giving up on me, I fell to the ground. "Put him out of his misery." Hearing this drew more energy in me. I was able to stand up, "How about I do that… To you."

The Elders looked at me, laughing. "Fool, you think you can take us all on." They continued to laugh, "Look at you. You're hurt." I looked at them. "These wounds, they are nothing compared to the damage you will receive!" I yelled as I got strength to steady myself for a fight.

The first attack was from the Air Elder. Attacking with winds sharp enough to pierce the skin. I received the attack, knowing well how to attack next. "Is that all you got?" I asked, stepping forward. Every step soon led to water surrounding the Elder. I stepped on the water to freeze it.

"He's never going to defeat us." I heard an elder from behind me chuckle. I was suddenly filled with rage. I turned to his direction, and without hesitation I quickly used water to trap him inside. Then I froze it. "How's that for defeating you!"

Extinguisher suddenly stepped forward. "This one is mine." I ran towards him, biting his neck. Before I could touch him he leaped behind me and bit my neck. I managed to break free, however he used Air to throw me off balance. I hit the ground, nearly hurting my head.

"Since you can be of some use, I figure I shouldn't kill you." He unfroze the Elder I froze, "Speed, take a rest." He put his paw on my wounds, applying pressure. "You will help find what we lost." Water began to form out of the ice, forming a snake's eye. I looked at him the best I could, "Do your worst." The eye went inside me.

"Go find Charm princess, and kill her on the spot." I will do no such… I closed my eyes. All my memories with Lovette began to fade. I stopped seeing her as a friend, instead an enemy. No, why is m, how is this? I tried to stop it from happening. This can't I…  "I will find and kill Charm princess." He looked towards the mountains, "Go Laiken, I'll send a team to help you." I ran towards the mountains.

The Rise Of Charm QueenWhere stories live. Discover now