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We shower and get dressed. We join everyone outside. We sit around the fire. I shiver a little.

"You cold?" Chase asks. I nod. He takes off his jacket and puts it on my my shoulders.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Of course." He smiles back. Nick and Olivia come back outside, Olivia wearing one of Nick's jackets. I scoff. I try to act civil around Olivia. She gets all snuggly with Nick.

"I'm about to snap her fucking neck." I whisper to Chase.

"Just breathe." He rubs my back. Nick shoots a glare at us. I shoot a glare back at him. Olivia rests her head on Nick's shoulder and wraps her arms around his arm. I stand. Chase stands and grabs my arm. I yank it away from him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shout at Olivia.

"What do you mean?" She asks innocently.

"I'm not fucking blind, nor is anybody in this house! You constantly flirt with Nick, my boyfriend! You did when you were with Kio and for some reason you continue to do!" I scream at her. She stands and gets in my face. I feel Patty grab me and attempt to pull me back. I take off Chase's jacket and I remove Nick's jacket off of Olivia. I get in her face and move closer to the pool. I shove her in.

"You bitch!" She screams.

"Don't flirt with my fucking boyfriend." I shout and go inside. Nick follows me inside.

"Baby." Nick says

"I'm too mad. I'm sleeping in my old room tonight." I ramble, pulling pyjamas and a change of clothes from my closet. I grab my toothbrush and other essentials. I grab my blanket and my bunny stuffed animal. I lift Cobain in my other arm and walk over to my old room.

"Y/n! Wait!" Nick follows me.

"No, Nick!" I slam the door in his face and lock it. I get changed. I lay in the bed with Cobain and turn on the television. I put on Dynasty. I cuddle with Cobain. I don't leave my room for the rest of the night.

Crazy For You|| Nick Austin x Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now