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I wake up in the in a white room.

"W-what happened? Where am I?" I panic.

"Baby, just breathe. You are at the hospital." I hear Nick's voice.

"W-why?" I ask.

"I can't explain it without crying." Nick sighs.

"I can explain if you need." A doctor walks in. I nod. "According to your boyfriend, you had locked yourself in the bathroom and began to cut yourself with a razor blade. He was able to open the door and you passed out." The doctor explains. Tears well up in my eyes. "I'll give you two some time alone." The doctor leaves.

"Your dad said that he wants you to stay with him and Elise for a bit." Nick sighs.

"No. I can't. She hates me." I grab Nick's hand.

"Your dad thinks it's best that I am part of the reason that you did this." He points at my arm.

"But you aren't." I sniffle.

"Then why did you do it?" He asks.

"Nick, the fame and everyone telling me that I'm not good enough for you. It just happened." I sob.

"Your dad wants to put you in therapy as well." Nick says.

"Therapy doesn't work for me." I sigh.

"You aren't going back to that house until we can figure out why you are like this." Elise walks in.

"Shut up." I scoff.

"And you can't see Nick." My dad adds. Nick and I exchange concerned looks.

"Dad, no." I say.

"Y/n, yes. End of conversation. Nick, you can go." My dad says.

"Dad! No!" I shout.

"Babes, it's okay." Nick sighs, leaving.

"I hate you." I say with venom in my voice. He signs the release forms and takes me back to my childhood home. I get out of the car and go to my room and slam the door shut, locking it. I put music over my speaker. I sit on the window seat;

 I sit on the window seat;

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I look at the night sky. My phone starts to ring. I look down

                    Bubbie ❤️🧸 is calling...

"Nick?" I ask.

"No. It's Chase. He told me what happened."

"Chase. I hate living here so much. Just make sure Nick takes care of Cobain and Sage. Please."

"Of course, Y/n. Love ya."

"Love you too, Chase. Tell Nick I said that I love him. Please."

"Of course. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up.

"Y/n. I'd like your phone, please." My dad says.

"No!" I shout. My dad groans and I decide to sneak out and go back to the Hype House. I text Alex.

Alex Warren
can you pick me up?

Won't your dad be pissed?


what's the address?

Crazy For You|| Nick Austin x Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now