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"I don't ever wanna move." I sigh happily, cuddled up to Nick.

"Me neither." He yawns. We roll over and Nick lays on me. We both fall back asleep. I wake up to the feelings of someone else laying in the bed. I look over and see Noah cuddled up to Nick.

"Hi, Noah." I whisper.

"Hi." He whispers back. He winks at me. I reach over Nick and slap Noah's head. He chuckles quietly.

"If you two are gonna flirt do it somewhere else." Nick says sleepily.

"Hey, baby." I kiss him.

"Hi. Hey, Noah." He says.

"Hey, baby." Noah mocks me.

"I'll let you two cuddle." I sigh, getting out of bed. I go downstairs. "Nick and Noah are cuddling." I chuckle to Chase. He lifts me and throws me on the sofa, laying on top of me. I pat his head.

"I wuuuvv you." He says.

"Mhm. Love ya too." I chuckle.

"Hey, man. Get off my baby." Nick says. Chase scrambles off of me. Nick tackles him. "Love you, bro." He says, kissing Chase's cheek.

"Noah! Come get your man!" I shout. Noah rushes downstairs. He tackles Nick and Chase. I jump on the three of them.

"You two are gonna kill us!" Chase shouts.

"Are you calling us fat?" Noah says, fake offended.

"Not Y/n. Just you." Chase says.

"Wow. I'm offended for Noah." I chuckle.

"Thank you, Y/n." He says.

"Anytime." I use his back as support to stand. "Okay, now get off my stick boyfriend before you snap his spine." I laugh.

"I'm not a stick! Chase is." Nick says.

"You are a stick." I help Noah up. Nick stands and picks me up.

"A stick can't do that." He says.

"Chase can." I smile.

"Oh shut it." I flick his forehead.

"Ow!" He winces, rubbing his forehead.

"Don't be a baby." I kiss his forehead.

Crazy For You|| Nick Austin x Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now