He then sat cross-legged inside the cave, refining one of the grade five spiritual veins.

Compared to the time he left the valley three months ago, Huang Xiaolong's cultivation took another step forward to peak mid-Seventh Order Heavenly God Realm by devouring countless Ancient God Realm magic beasts, ghouls, and evil spirits along the way, but he was still a long way from touching the border to late-Seventh Order.

Xiaoniū sat comfortably on the side, crunching on an Ancient God Realm godhead, whereas the two Cloud Devouring Divine Beasts were dutifully guarding at the cave entrance.

Outside, cold winds howled like ghosts weeping through the night.

In the middle of the night, a loud explosion shook the air. Violent shockwaves swept out in all directions before several silhouettes arrived from afar with the sound of whistling wind.

Disrupted, Huang Xiaolong and the little cow stopped cultivating and walked towards the cave entrance, looking out.

In the far distance, waves of powerful sword qi tore apart the blood-red clouds looming over the Blood Yang Mainland, followed by furious booming roars.

Other than the sword qi, there was an opposing blade qi that was just as alarming, each slash was earth-shattering as they blocked the waves of sword qi.

Moments later, a group of people appeared in Huang Xiaolong and the little cow's line of sight.

The first person who appeared in their sight was a young man holding a big blade, clad in a crimson brocade robe and a cloak of vigorous divine flames. The young man's aura was akin to a rainbow that traversed ten thousand li.

Right behind him was a group of disciples in purple robes, each of them gripping a long sword. Sword qi criss-crossed in the air, forming a great net, sharp and intimidating. Each line of sword qi burned with purple flames.

Despite the distance, Huang Xiaolong could still feel the extreme yin and cold energy coming from the purple flames.

"I didn't expect the Bladeless Gate and Purple Flames Sword Sect to be fighting again." The little cow muttered, its brows scrunched together.

Huang Xiaolong was quick to ask, "This Bladeless Gate and the Purple Flames Sword Sect, are they famous?"

"Very famous." The little cow confirmed, nodding its head, "These two sects are among the Divine World's super forces. Their disciples rarely appear in the outside world. Sometimes it takes as long as a million years, but every time they appear, it's never a good thing, each of them is the other's nemesis. Lately, when I try to observe the heavens, I have an ominous feeling that, not too far in the future, the Divine World will face a calamity." The little cow's face was extremely somber saying this.

"Is the Devil World's great army attacking?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

The little cow shook its head, "No, the devils' great army attacking won't affect the Divine World to this degree. The calamity this time is probably the biggest one ever since the Divine World's birth. Before that, you must raise your strength as much as you can."

Huang Xiaolong's heart tightened at the little cow's words.

The biggest calamity since the Divine World's birth?

But Huang Xiaolong believed the little cow. If it said so, it was probably true.

"How long do I have?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

"Not more than three thousand years." The little cow answered.

Three thousand years! Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply.

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