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"Come on I'll go with you." He said grabbing his car keys.

We drove to the mall and walk to the shop.

"Welcome" the women smiled brightly.

"Hello I have a fitting scheduled" I smiled and she went behind the desk.

"Ah yes Ms. Jeon Y/N" I nod and she smiled bringing us to a room.

"Look around and we'll fit to what you want." I nod and look at the dresses.

"I think this looks good" Namjoon said. I looked at him.

"It's not my wedding dumbass." He rolled his eyes.

"Language" he walked around looking at dresses.

"Can I get this one just with flowers and some fabric added to the arms and top." I asked the women and she nodded.

I went in the back  and Namjoon sat down on the couch in front of the stage.

The women gave me the dress and I tried it on.

I walked out on the stage and Namjoon was staring at you silently

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I walked out on the stage and Namjoon was staring at you silently.

He stood up and hugged my waist kissing my neck.

"Stop were in a store." Her ignored me.

"I don't wanna get married if you wear that." I shrugged.

"Sit down" I said as I went in the back and changed back.

You walked out and he hugged you.

"Why are you like this?" I looked at him.

"Like what?"

"Irresistible" he purred into my ear.

I brought the dress to the cashier.

"I'll have this and these." I place some heels on the counter and she rang them up.

"Cash or card." I showed the card and swiped it.

"Have a good day and thank you for shopping." I bowed and started out as Namjoon caught up.

"What now" he asked as his arm snakes around my waist.

"I need to go shopping and then I need to come back the day before mom comes home to do my hair." He nodded.

"Right it's when she comes home." He mumbled.

We walked around and went in several stores.

I got a lot of clothes and bought stuff for Jimin and Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Hey can you go get some ice cream." I asked him and pretended to sit down. He nodded and pet my hair.

"What kind." I hummed and thought.

"Mint chocolate." I said smiling.

He looked disgusted and flicked my head.

"That's disgusting." He said walking away.

I rolled my eyes and quickly went in Victoria secret.

"How can I help you." The women smiled.

"I'm here for a pick up for Y/N" she smiled.

"Of course stay here." The women smiled and went in the back.

"Whatcha doing here?" I heard a deep voice in my ear. I jumped startled.

"I told you to get ice cream gosh." I said and he handed me mine.

"No one was in line." He said.

"So you buying stuff to wear for me." He smirked his voice deep.

"No" I said and he looked around the store.

"Here you go." The women handed me my bag.

"Hey this'll look good one you." I looked and Namjoon was holding a choker with a leash connected to a leather waist band with wrist bands connected to the piece on the thighs.

I rolled my eyes. The women chuckled.

"Perve." My face turned red and I headed out with my bag and ice cream.

Namjoon chuckled.

"Can I get this" the women nodded.

"You and your girlfriend are adorable." The sales women spoke.

"Thanks" he smiled showing his dimples.

I was in the food court eating my ice cream.

"Hello" I answered my phone.
"Where the fuck are you" Namjoon's deep voice growled.
"Food court and laNgUaGe" I mocked him and hung up.

Namjoon came not long after holding a bag

"You didn't buy that did you." He chuckled.

"Of course not but look." He smiled showing dimples.

'Fuck he has dimples' you thought.

I looked and he had small baby shoes and other small figures.

"Why" he sat down.

"There so cute and small." He picked them up and his smile got bigger.

"You're adorable" I chuckled and he smiled.

I let him look at his shoes a minute or two longer and we started walking around the store again.

While walking around I got a phone call.

"Hello dearest father."
"Where are you" I looked around and follows Namjoon into a store.
"In a kids store." I spoke as Namjoon excitedly ran around collecting small things.
"Why?" I hummed.
"Namjoon pulled me here" I stated and forgot I can't call him that.
"Moms boyfriend. I had to get stuff for the wedding and he came to help but he's getting side tracked" I said gritting my teeth.
"Well I wanted to make sure you were alright." I nod and Namjoon starts laughing while playing with an action figure.
"Fucking cute ass child." I mumbled.
"What?" My eyes widen.
"Nothing bye" I hung up.

"Are you done?" I asked putting my phone up he pouted.

"Mood killer." He brought the stuff and paid for it.

We headed out and put everything in the car. I scrolled through my phone.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked. He hummed.

"You." He smirked and I looked at him.

"Fine how about some Kimchi fried rice?" He asked and we pulled into the driveway. I looked and the neighbors were parked in the road.

"Just kimchi fried rice? No like chicken or pork with it?" I asked opening the door.

"I'm fine with chicken with it." I jumped when I saw men in the house.

"Dad!" I said excitedly and ran to the couch.

I frowned when I didn't see him.

"What am I not good enough." I flicked Jungkook head.

"I didn't want to see you." Namjoon came in  and the men looked at him and put there hands on there guns.

"Yah tell them to stop." I said to Jungkook. He looked.

"Hey Joon. Whatcha doing here?" He asked looking at the bags.

"Um I'm the asshole who's dating your mother." He stated plainly. Jungkook looked surprised.

Out of nowhere I was picked up and swung around.

"Winter bear." He chuckled.

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