"Yeah, I remember that" I responded "but I don't remember how we all actually became friends & what exactly happened among us".

"It will take time so, you don't have to stress about me but remember I am your best friend & you are a Siren, Bonnie is a witch, Tyler's a werewolf & Damon as well as Stefan are vampires" she reminded me again "I'm never getting used to it" I chuckled.

"You will" she smiled at me.

"How is she holding up?" Stefan walked in.

"Better" Melissa mumbled.

He smiled at me & sat besides me "how are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess" I scratched the back of my neck "where's Damon?"

"Searching for Kai" he told me.

"So, Kai is the bad guy?" I asked again, because I wanted to be sure.

"Yes, he is" Melissa said as she showed me a picture of him "that's him & if you see him, stay away".

"What am I doing with him?" I was surprised to see me & Bonnie with him & then I saw more pictures of us "he took them & he forced you to be his friend" she told me.

"Weird" I responded.

"You have no idea" she muttered "I'll go & grab a drink for us" she excused herself as she walked out of the door.

"Peach" Stefan gazed at me as he hold my hand "there's a million things running through my mind right now & I wish I could tell you all about it but I can't" he paused for a while "but I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me & I'm sorry for the way things turned out to be. I promise, I would make it upto you". I didn't know what he was trying to tell me because my memories were fried but I smiled at him as he came closer & stroke my hair behind my ear, for a moment we were lost in each other eyes. Stefan was mysterious, handsome & athletic, he had this perfect jawline & his eyes hold more secrets than I could tell, he had his own charms & he was the kind of guy who can sweep a girl off his feet without even trying. I considered myself lucky that he's even paying so much attention to me but I really didn't know the reason behind all his attentions & that kinda scared me in a strange way because at the end of the day he was a vampire.


Matt: Stefan is going to kill me for this.

Peach: (chuckles) Matt.

Matt: he told me to keep you safe & sound in Whitmore, when he & Damon goes out to track Julian & his army & you leave unannounced.

Peach: it's okay, he will get it. I left on my own will, remember?

Matt: I know peach but since you are not in your right state of mind at the moment, we all want you safe & closer to home.

Peach: I know Matt, I know but (huffs) I need to get to New Orleans. I had this dream & it was a clear as daylight & I recalled that we visited that witch Jane-Anne before & she could help me In brining back my memories.

Dusk till dawn (vampire diaries fan fiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now