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"Hi Andi!" Lily greeted. She slid into the chair directly in front of her costar in the finely lit tint that was set up for catering.

"Hey Lily. What's up?" Andi greeted without looking up from her phone. She took a quick peek at the time in the right corner which read 4:07PM. She still had about 23 minutes before she was to report on set for her next scene.

"Nothing, nothing." Lily replied, her accent thick. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something for the last few days."

"Go for it." Andi encouraged, Lily's words going in one ear and out the other. It wasn't as if she disliked Lily; as a matter of fact, Andi happened to think she was beautiful, kind and extremely talented. However, their relationship never seemed to progress past the acquaintance stage, even after almost 7 weeks. They just didn't seem to mesh.

"I don't really know how to start." Lily spoke shyly. "Well, it's no secret that you and Chris are close. I've become quite-" She cut herself off at the sight of Chris sticking his head in the tent.

"Andi Bandi!" He called while approaching the pair. He took a seat right next to her and placed his arm behind her chair. Because they'd been on and off set at different times, they hadn't had the chance to speak all day. He'd gone to her trailer a few times throughout the day to say hi but each time he checked, she wasn't there. "Hi Lily!"

"Hi Chris." Lily smiled, perking up instantly.

"MC!" Andi returned his enthusiasm as she placed her phone facedown on the table to give him her full attention. She felt that her day had gone by terribly slow since she didn't have the chance to hangout with and waste her downtime joking around with him."What are you up to? And where have you been all day?!"

"I'm about to head out soon." Chris looked over at Andi. "Just wanted to come talk to you for a bit before I left. I came to your trailer a few times and you weren't there."

"You did?" She raised an eyebrow. "I came to yours at least 4 different times today and you weren't there either."

"I guess we've just been missing each other all day, huh?"

"It's almost as if your day isn't complete without talking to me." Andi teased.

"Now that you mention it, you might be onto something."

"How'd Dodger's surgery go?" Lily asked, inserting herself back into the conversation in the most affable way possible.

"It's tomorrow." Chris and Andi spoke simultaneously which caused them both to laugh.

"I think we're secretly the same person." Chris spoke.

"Not so secretly." Taron interjected playfully as he sat in the empty seat next to Lily. "I don't know if you're long lost twins or if you're soulmates."

"Speaking of soulmates, Taron and I have a mutual friend that would be perfect for you." Lily brought up.

"I'm not really looking at the moment but thinks for thanking of me." Andi responded, quoting Ant-Man's line in Civil War. Chris let out a quiet laugh.

"I'm just going to throw it out there, he's a phenomenal kisser." Taron added. "I kissed the guy 50 times in one day."

"Well in that case, I'm gonna need his name, a copy of his passport and social security number." Andi joked causing everyone at the table, with the exception of Chris, to laugh.

"Richard would love you!" Lily said confidently. "He's very playful and social. Just an overall great guy really."


"Richard Madden." Taron clarified.

"Wait, are you talking about Robb Stark? Game of Thrones? King in the North? Red Wedding?" Andi questioned, her geekiness coming through. "I do have to admit that he's pretty hot."

"Knew it!" Lily turned to Taron with a grin before the two high fived.

"Hey, when you two get married, you have to name your first born child after us." Taron added. "Tilly Madden."

"It's very sweet of the two of you to try and set me up but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." Andi reiterated. "I'll take his number though."

"Well..." Chris cleared his throat and removed his arm from around Andi's chair. "I think I'm gonna head out."

Before Andi even had the chance to reply, he was already walking away from the group. "Hey wait up!"

Chris turned around to face the woman who was following him. "Yes Andi?"

"Are you okay? Your energy kinda shifted after Taron joined us."

"Did it? Hm, I'm not sure why."

"You're not lying to me, are you Christopher?"

"Would I ever lie to you, Andrea?"

She shrugged.

"I do feel a little odd actually." Chris admitted, more to himself than Andi. He wasn't quite sure whether it was Lily and Taron or if it was Andi that just completely depleted his mood but he felt the urge to get away from the conversation as quickly as possible.

Each time Richard's name was mentioned, he felt uncomfortable and a little put off which led him to believe that he was starting to develop romantic feelings for Andi.

With work as well as sending Dodger back to Boston for hip replacement surgery, Chris barely even had the time to reflect on what those new feelings meant for him. He decided that it wouldn't be fair to Andi to even mention his possible feelings unless he knew what he wanted to do about them. He didn't want to risk his friendship on a whim.

"What's going on?" Andi asked.

"I'm just a little tired is all."

"Oh that definitely makes sense. You've been here all day!"

"I'll see you tomorrow and I promise I'll be back to normal."

Andi squinted as Chris began walking backwards with his eyes staying locked on hers up until the moment he could no longer feel where he was going.

At the sound of his phone ringing, he gave Andi one last wave and turned around so he could walk forward.

"Hey Mackie." Chris greeted immediately upon answering the call. It had been a couple of weeks since he heard from his marvel costar, Anthony Mackie, but he always loved hanging out with the funniest man he knew.

"What's up man?" Mackie asked.

"I don't even know where to start." He responded jokingly. "How's shooting for the Falcon and the Winter Soldier going?"

"They shut us down this morning." Mackie informed. "With all this covid stuff going on, they thought it'd be best to halt filming."

"That's pretty big of them. You back home in New York?"

"Nah. Not for a couple of weeks." He spoke. "I think I'm gonna stay at a hotel here in L.A. to quarantine for a while. I would hate to expose my kids to the virus or anything else I might have picked up on set."

"I completely understand that." Chris nodded. "You're always welcome to stay with me for as long as you need to. I've got plenty of room and I could use the distraction."

"Say no more." Mackie replied. "Time for us to fuck some shit up, just like old times."

quarantine in love • chris evans (bwwm)Where stories live. Discover now