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After spending practically the entire evening at Lisa's house, Chris and Andi went straight to bed as soon as they finally made it home. They were both so exhausted that he didn't even get the chance to show her around the house.

"Wow, I didn't realize how little clothes I had," Chris let out a laugh as he and Andi stood in the doorway of his closet. He had asked his sisters weeks ago to clear a space for his fiancée. Little did he know, his sister's would clear everything except a small row of slacks and button down shirts. He had a feeling they split the rest of his clothing between the 3 guest room closets.

"I didn't bring THAT many clothes," Andi spoke while examining the nearly empty closet.

"You have 6 bags, babe," he reminded. "I'm sure you'll have no problem filling this space."

"Will you help me unpack?"

"Definitely but can we wait until tonight? Scott and Dodger will be here any minute."

"Of course my love."

"I wanna show you something," Chris spoke while intertwining his and Andi's fingers. He lead her outside of the walk-in closet to the bathroom and opened the linen closet.

"What am I looking at?"

"There," he pointed to the bottom shelf that was filled with all of her favorite skincare products from body lotion to facial serums to bath bombs. Not to long ago, he went through the products in Andi's bathroom at home and wrote an itemized list for his brother. "Courtesy of Scott." 

Andi smiled and slowly pressed her lips against Chris's. She loved the fact that he always made an effort to do something completely unexpected yet thoughtful. "I'm lucky to have you."

Rather than responding, Chris pulled her into his chest and kissed her once again- this time with a lot more passion. It didn't take long before Andi gently bit his bottom lip, urging him to slide his tongue into her mouth. He let his hands roam up her shirt and ran his fingers over her nipples before getting interrupted by the beep sound the alarm made every time a door was opened. Not even a second later, he heard the clink of Dodger's dog tag as he ran through the house in search of his owner.

"DODGER! COME HERE BUDDY!" Chris called. He gestured for Andi to follow before exiting the bathroom, then his bedroom.

She watched from the top of the stairs as he greeted the white and brown dog, who jumped on him with so much force that he fell onto the floor.

"Hey buddy!" Chris laughed while scratching the dog he hadn't seen in a month. During the time he spent in L.A. and Dallas, without his furry companion, Dodger went from his sister's house to his mother's house to finally his brother's. They all loved him so much that they wanted a turn caring for him until Chris returned home.

"Hi," Scott waved at Andi when he noticed her watching Chris.

She waved back with a smile and jogged down the stairs only to be attacked with love from Dodger. She bent down to pet the adorable pup as he wagged his tail so hard that his entire body wiggled. "Hi Dodger. I see you're not having any problem with your new hip, huh cutie? You're so excited daddy is back, it's adorable!"

Chris watched Andi in adoration. He had almost forgot about her constant habit of speaking to Dodger like he was a human. He still remembered the first time he brought his pup on set, the dog couldn't get enough of Andi and it appeared that his feelings hadn't changed.

Andi stood up when she noticed Chris and his brother looking at her. Just like Lisa the day before, Scott engulfed her in a warm hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

quarantine in love • chris evans (bwwm)Where stories live. Discover now