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"Dude, I can't believe I was really going to marry a man who doesn't know how to make a fucking pancake," Andi teased as she sat on Chris's granite countertop, watching him whisk the batter.

It'd been just under a week since the pair regularly started hanging out again and things were going fantastic.

After spending an hour discussing Lily at the start of the week, they both felt much happier and lighter.

Chris had no idea why he wasn't just upfront with Andi in the first place, especially considering the fact that she had been nothing but understanding about everything he threw her way. Even before they started dating, Andi was always extremely accepting and perceptive. She never questioned his actions or intentions, never doubted his word and was always there with open ears when he needed her.

He hated that he ever convinced himself that Andi would break up with him after finding out Lily kissed him or for the fact that he let her stay at his house while they were gone. The downfall of their relationship was his dishonesty and he was struggling to forgive himself for ever causing the woman he loved any pain.

As for Andi, she listened intently as Chris explained everything that happened between he and Lily, starting from their first date. From his perspective, it was obvious that there were no romantic feelings and although he thought she was beautiful, he wasn't sexually attracted to her. After 3 dates, they'd never so much as kissed and Andi found it odd that Lily continued to pursue him even after he directly expressed a lack of romantic feelings and attraction.

"So the truth comes out, huh? The REAL reason you don't wanna marry me is because I can't make a pancake!" Chris looked up at her and placed a hand over his heart. "I'm hurt. I demand an apology."

"Aw, come here," Andi poked her bottom lip out and opened her arms. Chris approached the counter she was sitting on and slid in between her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry that you're a terrible cook that can't even make pancakes."

Chris let out a chuckle before cuffing Andi's face in his hands. With their faces only inches apart, he took a deep breath as he stared into her big brown eyes. She stared back into his with equal intensity, unblinking. And it reminded him of the days they'd randomly call 'STARING CONTEST' and watch one other until the other blinked.

This time, however, felt different as he struggled not to lean in and kiss her. He was having a difficult time being around her without the ability to be affectionate and show his love through physical touch. They stayed that way for almost a minute before Chris pulled back and dropped his hands.

"Sorry, I..."

"I know," Andi offered a small smile. She understood exactly how he felt without him even having to finish. "I didn't expect it to be so hard either."

"I spent a month and a half trying not to kiss you," Chris spoke. "And here I am trying not to again after another 3 months."

"Maybe our rules don't have to be as... strict?"

"I don't know, Andi... If I kiss you, I'm not going to want to stop. It'd be impossible for me not to put my tongue in your mouth and hold you close to me. My hands would roam all over your body and eventually, my little guy would start poking your leg," he sighed. "I can't handle getting a boner around you right now."

Andi jumped off the counter top and approached Chris, who was now standing over 3 feet away from her. She then wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him loosely. "I understand, believe me."

"I don't know how the fuck I used to do this on set every single day," he spoke more to himself than her as he drew circles on her back with his finger.

quarantine in love • chris evans (bwwm)Where stories live. Discover now