• seventy: part two •

Start from the beginning

That actually wasn't a lie at all, it was 100 percent facts. So factual that I've been strongly considering leaving Naomi here while I go live my life elsewhere. But that's only if I actually get my money.

"What made her so happy?" she asked.

"Well Kiara, you did." I answered honestly. "You were her first and only best friend. Y'all were like sisters, shared a bond so deep that it didn't feel right to keep y'all separated any longer. She loves you, girl."

"Wow," she smiled as she looked at Naomi, "at least someone does."

"Do you really feel like your parents don't?"

"Yes... No... I don't know." she mumbled. "At least not like they used to. They never listen to me anymore and the only attention they give me is taking me to and from school and making sure I eat, shower, and sleep on time."

"It must be hard with all this change when you were once used to being an only child."

"It's not that I think having siblings is bad, I just wish my parents could spread their love equally. They don't have a problem doing it when it comes to TJ, so why can't they do it with me?" I could hear her voice crack as if she was going to cry.

"Look Kiara. I'm sure your parents have unconditional love for you, but right now they're just distracted. What they need is something or someone who can snap them back into reality."

"And what would that be?"

"I can't exactly say... but I have a feeling they'll find out real soon." I said with a mischievous grin on my face. "Do me a favor Naomi, get Kiara some snacks to eat and y'all just chill. I'll be right back."

It was time for me to make a phone call.


We've called literally every single person who attended our party today and no one has seen Kiara. We were hoping the worst case scenario would be that she left with someone without telling us, but we didn't have any luck so far. I was trying to keep cool so Kelly wouldn't freak out even more than she already has but at this point I was worried sick. I'm not even exaggerating when I say I've never been this scared in my entire life.

"Okay how bout we try retracing our steps?" Bey spoke as calmly as she could. "Blue, can you tell us about the last time you saw Kiara?"

"So, I was looking after the twins while they were playing with her Switch. She was walking past us and I could kinda tell she was upset but I wasn't sure. Ru called her name to show her what she was playing, and she just snatched it out of her hands. I was surprised cause I've never seen her act mean like that. I told her how rude she was being and she just gave me an attitude and walked away."

"Which direction did she go?" I asked.

"I... I don't really know. After she did that I was just focused on getting the twins to stop crying." she replied quietly and we all sighed.

"Can we go outside so I can try to act it out? Maybe I just need to visualize it."

We all agreed and made our way to the backyard. We would've had to come here sooner or later to look for clues anyway.

She stood in one spot as she started going through everything. "Okay so she came from over there. The twins and I were right here. After I tried talking to her she pushed me and went..." She paused and pointed far off to her right, "That way! I think she went towards the gate."

Relieved that we were getting somewhere, we followed Blue to the gate and walked around looking for clues. When we got to the corner Blue stopped us.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now