• nine: part one •

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Friday, September 22

"You wanna go see Royalty today, lil mama?" I said to Kiara as I helped her into the car after picking her up from school. I had texted Kelly to let her know that I'll pick Kiara up from school today. We still haven't been speaking much all week, unless it's about Kiara or something small.

"We going to Uncle Chrissy's house?!" she gasped.

"Yes ma'am." I replied and she got all excited.

"Is mommy there too?"

"No, she's at home. You'll see her later."

We got to Chris house about 20 minutes and saw him and Royalty playing out in the front. I'm really proud of Chris for stepping up and being a father. He's great at it. Now if only we can get him to settle down with someone special.

Kiara was so excited to see Royalty that she almost beat my ass to get out of the car. I helped her out and she ran to Royalty and Chris.

"Hey lil bit!" Chris smiled as he hugged Kiara.

"Kiki!" Royalty exclaimed and hugged Kiara. Even though they're two years apart, they get along as if they're the same age. Other than her cousins, Kiara sees Royalty as the sibling she never had. Yet.

They immediately ran off and started playing with each other, leaving Chris and I standing in the distance watching them.

"So what's good bro? How has everything been?" I asked Chris.

"Man... her mother just keeps trying me." he mumbled, referring to Royalty's mom. "I wish I could spend time with my daughter without it being some type of argument or disagreement."

"True. But just make sure Royalty's not around to see that. She doesn't need to be a part of that unnecessary drama."

"You right. But speaking of unnecessary drama... You and Kelly still not speaking?" he asked.




"You need to talk to her. Or at least let her explain why she did what she did." he replied. "This silent treatment shit ain't it."

I shrugged, "She does it to me all the time when she gets upset with me."

"So you're just gonna do the same? That's childish bro, I'm not even gonna lie."

"I'm not even trying to stoop to her level. I just honestly can't bring myself to talk to her right now. That shit really pissed me off. I can barely even look at her right now."

"Damn..." he mumbled. "You must really be mad, if you can't even look at her. Cause you know... she's beautiful as shit."

"Aye, relax." I chuckled.

"I mean, she is!" he laughed. "Everyone knows that. But for real bro, remember those things every time you're mad at her. She's beautiful, a great mother, talented, hardworking, and she loves you to death."

"I know this."

"Then work it out. Talk through it. Don't leave my sis hanging."

"Look at you, telling me what to do." I joked. "It's usually the other way around."

"Welp, sometimes I gotta tell you about yourself." he replied.

"Yeah alright nigga. Lemme tell you about yourself. When are you gonna settle down with someone?"

"I don't know, ask Lala." he smirked.

"Bro, let that shit go. Alani doesn't want yo ass."

"Niggas used to say that to you about Kelly, but look at y'all now." he had the nerve to say.

"That's different. She actually loved me back." I laughed.

"Wow... All you do is disrespect me." he said, shaking his head.


We finally arrived back home after spending the whole afternoon with Chris and Royalty. Kiara followed me into the room so she could say hi to Kelly.

"Mama bear!" she exclaimed, walking towards the bed.

"Uh uh, don't come up here with yo outside clothes." Kelly said. "I'll come to you."

She got off the bed and approached Kiara to give her a hug and kiss. "I missed you munchkin. Haven't seen you all day."

"I know. Me and daddy was with Uncle Chrissy and Roro."

"Did you have fun?"


"I'm glad to hear that." Kelly chuckled. "You look tired."

"Me? Naaaah." Kiara replied, causing me and Kelly to laugh. She never likes to admit when she's tired.

"Oh yeah, daddy I have a question." she said, turning to me.

"What is it Keeks?"

"Do you love mommy?"

Well that caught me off guard. Kelly and I looked at each other, and I looked back down at Kiara.

"Of course I love your mommy." I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Today in class we was talking about family. Some of my friends say their parents love each other, but my other friends say their parents not together no more cause they don't love each other."

Why are they even talking about this in kindergarten? Ain't they supposed to be learning about colors, shapes and shit?

"Well you don't have to worry, baby girl."

"What about when y'all are mad at each other?"

"Even when we're mad at each other, we will always work it out. I love your mom and I don't wanna lose her, so we will always be together no matter what happens."

"And mommy, you love daddy?" she asked, turning to Kelly.

Kelly smiled, "Yes baby. I love your daddy very much."

"So y'all will never break apart?"

I chuckled because I know she meant to say 'break up'.

"No, we will never break apart." I replied, mocking her.

"Never ever?"

"Never ever ever." I said, and started tickling her. "Any more questions?"

"No!" she laughed.

"Alright then. Now go change out of your school clothes and get ready for bed."


We're getting somewhere 😊

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