• thirty one: part two •

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"Birthday girl." I walked into the bathroom just as Kelly was finishing up.

She giggled, "That's me, heyyyy."

I smiled and gave her a kiss. "How does it feel to be —"

"Don't say it."

"What? I was gonna say 25." I replied with a wink.

"Uh huh." She gave me a playful side eye. "My body says otherwise. My back been killing me since I woke up. You might as well just send me to a nursing home now."

"Really Kelz?" I laughed at her dramatics. "We're only like three years apart. If you getting old then I am too. Besides, I don't think your back pain has anything to do with age..."

I smirked and she looked at me through the bathroom mirror. She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Touché."

"That's what I thought." I chuckled.

"Whatever. Are you just now waking up?"

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised you're up before me. I must've really been knocked."

"That's the effect of this pu— haaa, lemme stop." I laughed. "I was woken up because Frank and 'em came by and brought me my cake."

"I would question how a heavy sleeper like you managed to hear them knock and I didn't, but I know anything food related will always have ya ass up and alert."

"Wooooah, pause. What you not gon do is try to come for me on my damn birthday!"

"Now see babe, that's the point. It's all about you today which means you gon be the butt of all my jokes."

"I think the fuck not. Rude ass."

"You know I'm playing." I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist.

"Unh unh, move stinky." She playfully pushed me off her.

I chuckled, "I'll let you finish getting ready. You got a head start so I'm expecting you to be done before me. You got a long day ahead of you, I'll tell ya that."

She raised her eyebrow, "Oh, do I really? I feel special."

"You are."

"What's on the itinerary, might I ask?"

"Well you'll be spending half the day with me, then the other half with Kiara and the girls. In the evening we'll all come together for dinner and then I'll have you all to myself for the rest of the night." I smirked.

"And what will you be doing while I'm out with the girls?" she asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Here you go tryna be nosy." I said, shaking my head.

She laughed, "I can't help it if I'm curious, babe. Even though I know you won't tell me, it doesn't hurt to ask."

"You're right, I won't tell you. You just focus on having fun with them and treating yourself. I'll meet up with y'all afterwards."

She slowly nodded, "Okay... Shit, y'all got it all figured out for me huh?"

"Yup, which means you won't have to worry about anything but enjoying yourself. But it also means you can't be running on 'Kelly time' today."

She cut her eyes at me, "Excuse you sir, I don't know what this 'Kelly time' is that you speak of. I don't even be taking that long, you're just impatient."

"That's highly debatable, but I'll just keep my mouth shut."

"Please do." she said, rolling her eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a slice of cake before I beat my face and get dressed." She began walking out of the bathroom.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu