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Kiyan and I left out the hospital and headed to Ray's house in Inglewood after stopping to get some food. I haven't told him where we were going, as far as he knew we were just going for a drive. I was fully prepared to do what needed to be done, both physically and mentally, I just needed to figure out the right way to tell him. At the end of the day, that is his father.

"Sooo... who's house is this?" Kiyan asked me as we were parked in front of Ray's place.

"A friend." I answered mysteriously.

"Does he know my mom or something?"

"Naw... He's cool with your dad."

His eyes widened, "What?! Why did you bring me here?! If he's friends with my dad then that means he's just like him, maybe even worse! Why are you even friends with him?!"

"Chill man, chill." I said, trying to calm him down. "They ain't as close as you think. He's actually been doing me a favor and keeping a close eye on your father's moves."

"Well my mom is in a hospital bed fighting for her life because of him, so I guess your homeboy hasn't really been doing a good job."

"What if I told you, your dad's in there hiding out right now?"

"...You're serious?"

"Dead. This friend of ours is the one who called me when we were in the waiting room. He said the nigga came to him asking to stay there until he could figure out what to do next."


"Exactly. So—"

"Let's go."

"Wait a minute, I was just gon leave you in the car."

"No, I wanna come too."

"Kiyan are you sure about that? This is not a game. You'd be seeing some shit that you wouldn't wanna see, nor should you be seeing."

"I don't care. He needs to pay for what he did. For everything he's done."

"I don't know man..."

"Chris, I can handle it." he said determinedly. "I'm coming with you."

I sighed, "Alright man, don't say I didn't warn you."

I reached over towards the glove compartment and pulled out my Glock 19 that I always kept in there in case of, ya know, emergencies.

I looked him square in the eye, "I'm giving you one last chance to change your mind."

"Give me the gun."

"Aight, now you really wylin' for real. No way in hell." I laughed.

"Chris, I may be young but I'm not dumb. Just let me hold it. I'll be careful."

I looked at him skeptically before slowly handing it over to him, and he tucked it inside of his jacket.

"Guard that shit with your life." I said sternly.

"Heard you. We out?"

"Yeah. Real quick though... before you left the house this morning, was Casandra there?"

"She's like a housefly that just can't seem to disappear no matter how much you try to swat it away. She's always there. Why do you ask?"

I smirked, "Oh, no reason really. Just out of curiosity."

I made a mental note of that piece of information because it was going to be useful later.

We left out the car and walked up to Ray's front door, where he was already standing waiting for us. I had already texted him to let him know we were outside because knocking would've caught Carmelo's attention which is not what we want.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now