• fifty seven •

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Wednesday, January 1, 2024

New year, new me.

Sike nah, I'm not one of them muthafuckas. Most of the time the same people who say that don't even put in any effort to try to change for real, they just like running their mouths. Real ones don't say shit, they just do.

I had spent the morning helping Chris run some errands while Kelly stayed in with the kids. Tell me why the first thing I see when I walked into our room after getting home was her laying there on her stomach, butt naked, ass sitting up nice looking plump as fuck.

We starting the new year right I see. It must be my lucky day.

I did a lil Birdman hand rub before sneaking over to her and greeted her with a firm smack on that ass.

"Owww! Really nigga?"

I laughed, "Just was making sure you ain't fall asleep like that."

"Wasn't nobody sleep. I'm in pain."

"What's wrong?"

"It's my back. I got up from bed and it just started killing me outta nowhere, shit hit me like a brick. I took a hot shower hoping that it would help but it didn't do much."

"I think I can fix that for you."

"Can you please?"

"Say no more."

I went into the bathroom to grab the massage oil, came back in, poured some on my hands, and spread it all over her back as I went to work.

"So how's Chris doing?" she asked.

"You just saw him yesterday, how different could he be?" I said jokingly.

"Hush. He could've woke up feeling down or something."

"I'm messing with you. He actually was mad this morning."

"What for?" she asked anxiously.

"You hella tense right here." I mumbled, putting pressure on the upper area of her back.

"Uhh yeah, stay there for a minute. But back to Chris, why was he upset?"

"La's father keeps giving him a hard time."

"Oh..." she breathed out.

"What did you think I was gonna say?"

"Nothing, forget it. What's up with this old man though? He barely even knows Chris and he somehow doesn't like him."

"Facts. I told Chris he should confront him about it."

"I can already foresee that being a bad thing."

"It might be but it's something that needs to happen. I mean he's gonna marry the girl, he's gonna have to get along with her parents at some point."

"And here I was thinking that them staying at Chris' house was gonna help the situation. Welp. Whatever happens from this point forward is they business not m- oooh, damn baby you are really going in right now."

"I'm doing it too hard?"

"No it's perfect. Continue." She moaned softly as I moved my hands lower. She better quit playing with me cause this could turn into something else real quick. "Oh, I'm just now realizing I didn't tell you about my talk with Kiara last night."

"You told her about La? How did she take it?"

"Not that well, but it's nothing I didn't already expect. I told her we could go see her today."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now