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Saturday, September 9

Am I still mad about yesterday? Yup. But the show must go on. Bey's party is tonight and I have to at least pretend to like Trey since I'm gonna be around other people. That nigga really tried me and he's not gonna get away with it that easily. Call me dramatic, I don't care!

"Mommy! Daddy! Are y'all ready yet!" I heard Kiara yell from her room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Kiara come here." I called. She came skipping into the room and I sat her down.

"Two things. One, you have to learn to be patient. Two, you don't always have to yell to get our attention. What did I tell you about your indoor voice?"

"Use it." she mumbled.

"Right. And you really haven't been using it."

"I'm sorry mommy." she pouted.

"Aww, baby it's okay. You're not in trouble. It's just something to keep in mind. Now come give mommy a hug."

She cheered up and squeezed me tight. She then turned to her daddy and gave him a hug too.

"Go put your shoes on, little one. We'll leave soon." I told her and she smiled all big. While the adults are gonna be at Bey's party, the kids will be staying at Mama Tina's and I guess you can say they'll have a party of their own. Kiara is excited to see all the kids, especially Blue and the twins.

I got up from the bed to go put on my shoes. It's been kind of awkward between me and Trey, seeing as how we haven't talked in almost 24 hours. It's not healthy for us to do that but at the same time, I'd rather stay silent than to blow up on him.

"You look good." I heard him say.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

He sighed, "So we really boutta go to this party without talking?"

"Are we not talking right now?"


"We'll talk later Trey. I don't want my mood ruined so we'll just go to the party and have fun. Then we'll talk afterwards."

"You and I both know that's not gonna happen."

Before I could say anything back, Kiara came walking back into the room. "Okay parents, I'm ready."

"Okay child, let's go." Trey replied, and I couldn't help but laugh.

We left out the house and Trey drove to Mama Tina's house. We arrived at the same exact time as Solange, Alan and Julez.

"Heeey beautiful!" Solange exclaimed.

"Hey sexy! You look amazing!"

"Aw thank you! This ain't nothing though. I threw this outfit together last minute." She hugged Trey then made her way towards Kiara and smiled. "Hey niecey pooh!"

"Ew, don't call her that." I said jokingly.

"It's okay auntie. I like it." Kiara smiled and hugged Solange. Solange stuck her tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Julez get your butt over here and say hi to Kelly, Trey, and Kiara."

"He looks upset. What happened?" I asked.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now