• sixty one •

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Friday, January 24

"Wassup my nigga." I dapped Chris up as I pulled up to the restaurant I was supposed to be meeting him at this afternoon.

"Yo. I honestly didn't think you were still gonna be up for this. Barely heard from you this week aside from this morning when I asked if you were still coming."

"Nah, this has to be done. We really can't put it off any longer, it's been a month."

"Word. Wait where's Kelly?"

"She uh, she's been feeling under the weather lately so she's at home."

"Don't tell me you done got my sis pregnant again???"

"Not that kind of under the weather nigga. She's just been going through some things, to put it simply."

"Uh oh, should I tell La-"

"No no no, it'll be fine." I quickly interrupted him. "She just needs a little bit of time to herself and she'll bounce back."

Truth be told, Kelly really hasn't been herself since what went down last weekend. She completely shut down, barely showing any emotion and not wanting to talk about what happened at all. It's like she became a brick wall. I wanna get through to her but until I figure out the right way to do that, I've been giving her a little space. One thing we did agree to was that not a single soul needed to know about the situation, so I couldn't tell Chris what was really going on which was unusual cause we normally tell each other everything. And even if I could tell him, I wouldn't because I knew it would make its way to La and we all know it's something she shouldn't be hearing.

"Fair enough. If she needs anything you know me and La are here for her." he replied.

"Yeah I'll let you know if she does, thank you." I lied. "You got the file?"

"Of course." He pulled out a folder from out of his jacket and grinned evilly. "If he doesn't cooperate, everything in here will blow his whole world up."

I chuckled, "I'm still surprised you actually found something."

"I'm not. It's easy to find dirt on someone who did some shady shit cause it's likely that they've done it before. Especially someone like him."

"You think this will actually phase him?"

"He thinks no one knows about this. Seeing him squirm about the possibility of this getting out will be way better than torturing him physically." he laughed to himself.

"Aight Mr. Blackmail," I shook my head, "let's just get this over with."

"Yessir, let's go make La and Kelz proud."

We walked into the restaurant and approached our target as soon as we spotted him.

"Good Afternoon Your Honor." Chris said as we creeped up behind him.

"Oh, hello! You must be Chris and Trey." He stood up and shook our hands. The fact that he clearly didn't keep up with celebrities enough to know who we were makes everything funnier and easier.

"You guys are some grown men. Usually when people reach out to me to be their mentor, they're teenagers or young adults looking for a future in law. Not a problem, I'm happy to help anyone of any age and path in life." he continued as we sat down.

"So here's the thing, we not really looking for no mentor. We just said that to get you to come meet us here." Chris said bluntly.

"Okay... I'm officially confused."

"Everything will make sense soon. Does the name Carmelo Anthony ring a bell to you?"

"I um, I recently heard a case with him and his ex wife for custody of their son. Although I'm not sure why you're asking."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now