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Monday, April 29

"Y'all rude as hell for drinking in my face like this. Way to rub it in."

Lala, Solange, Michelle and I were all at Beyoncé's house having a girls' day while the kids were at school and our men were out running their own errands.

"Oooops." Lala giggled, purposely putting her glass in my face.

"Move bitch. Y'all shouldn't be gulping down drinks at noon anyway."

"They're mimosas sis, that's what they're made for. Don't act like you don't know."

"Of course she knows. She's just mad cause she can't participate." Solo snickered.

"Maybe I am." I admitted while laughing.

"So, what's tea?" Bey asked all of us. "What everyone got going on?"

"Well you can obviously skip me." I chuckled.

"I'm not gonna lie, I kinda want another kid too." Lala said.

"Then you and Chris need to get to work!"

"I think it's way too soon. We just made four months."

"Honestly, I don't think you should base things off the length of your relationship, as long as it's a healthy relationship. If y'all wanna have a baby at four months then go ahead. Time means nothing." Solange commented.

"I disagree." Bey interjected. "Yeah your relationship may be healthy right now, but children tend to complicate things. I would say wait until you've been together at least a year or until you're married."

"Bey has a really good point." I chimed in. "But at the end of the day, it's up to you and Chris. Whatever you wanna do, just make sure you talk to him about it so y'all are on the same page. Communication is very important, I can't stress that enough."

Lala chuckled at my last sentence, "I'm glad you know, cause the way you and Trey be struggling —"

"Lemme stop you right there, witcha disrespectful ass." I laughed. She better be glad I can take a joke. "Trey and I have actually been doing better with it."

"You right, you right. I'll give you props." she replied. "Anywho, I think I'll put a pause on this 'second kid' shit and just blame the temptation on baby fever. I got other things to worry about anyway, like this damn custody case."

"I can't believe that's still going on." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"There's no way Carmelo is gonna win that case, you know that right?" Bey said.

"I mean I guess, but it's been dragging for so long that I feel like he might be up to something. The hearing is coming up soon and I'm just hoping he doesn't try to pull some sneaky shit."

"He can try anything he wants to, but it's clear that Kiyan wants to stay with you. The judge will see that and will put that above everything." I reassured.

She sighed, "I hope you're right."

"Positive thoughts yield positive results! You gotta expect a good outcome for there to actually be a good outcome." Michelle spoke.

"C'mon pastor." Lala giggled.

"You know you can always count on Michelle to come through with a word. Speaking of which, it's her turn to spill. How you doin?" Bey said, doing her best Wendy Williams impersonation.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now