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Friday, September 8

Getting used to waking up this early is one thing, but waking up Kiara at this time is a whole other story.

Kiara is a heavy sleeper. Like, really really heavy. She fusses every night at her bedtime but once she's out, she's out. And getting her to wake up the next morning is hell.

I've been waking her up, getting her ready, and taking her to school all week. That's fine because next week it's Trey's turn and I can't wait to watch him struggle.

I walked into Kiara's room and stood at the side of her bed. "Kiara baby, time to wake up." She did not budge.

I sighed and tried again. "Kiara. Time for school." I lightly shook her and she still didn't move. I yanked her blanket off of her and she started to squirm. There we go.

"Come on, get up."

"Ugh, seriously mommy?" she mumbled and I looked at her like she was crazy. I don't know who she got this attitude from, but it damn sure wasn't me.

"Watch it, lil girl. You got about 5 seconds to get your butt up, so make it quick."

She whined and twisted and turned but she did finally get up. I followed her into the bathroom and helped her brush her teeth and take a quick bath, since she had already taken one last night. Next, I helped her put on her outfit. Then I sat her down so I could fix her hair. I settled on two pigtails cause that's all I felt like doing at the moment. I made sure to lay her lil baby hairs too.

"Alright miss thang. I think we're ready." I said.

She went to go admire herself in the mirror, striking poses and whatnot. "Take my picture mommy! I look too cute."

I laughed at her shenanigans but I pulled my phone out and took the pic anyway.

"My cutie

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"My cutie." I smiled and took her hand as we made our way downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and I saw Trey making breakfast. Him cooking is one of my favorite sights to see. He always looks so sexy doing it.

"Daddy look at me!" Kiara exclaimed, catching Trey's attention.

He turned and smiled. "Well hello there, my beautiful little princess." He opened his arms for a hug and Kiara ran to him.

"What you making? I want some." She's so greedy.

"Pancakes, your favorite." Trey replied.

I looked at the time on my phone and frowned. "Aw man, you might have to eat in the car Kiki. We running late."

Trey and I helped put food in a container for Kiara to eat on her way to school. Traffic makes the car ride long anyway, so she'll be able to finish.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now