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Wednesday, January 3

"Michelle, in all honesty... fuck that nigga."

Bey laughed, "He ain't even a nigga Kelz."

"You right, my bad... fuck that muhfucka."

"Kelly you don't have to curse him out." Michelle mumbled.

"Uh, yes I do. He's trash! He's emotionally draining you at a time in your life when you're supposed to be happy and focused."

"I already know this, Kelly. That's why I broke up with him."

Oh, I should probably give some context huh? Okay so, it's five days before we leave for tour and... Michelle doesn't want to go. Why, you ask? Well her and Chad just had a messy break up. Long story short, he would always throw Michelle's battle with her mental health in her face to the point where she couldn't take it anymore, so she dumped him. However, he still won't give it up. He's still calling and texting, basically harassing her, begging her to get back together with him. Not only is it affecting her emotionally, but it's now causing her to go into a depressive state where she doesn't want to do anything, including the tour.

To fix that, Bey and I decided to have a lil girls day with the three of us. We even picked up Blue and Kiara from school early so they could come along. Right now we were currently shopping. Well actually, we were sitting down taking a break while Blue and Kiara were close by looking at clothes, but not close enough to where they can hear our entire conversation.

"I applaud you for ending the relationship." I said to Michelle. "I know you're feeling down about it but you did the right thing. If Chad is really bothering you that much and you want him to leave you alone, you already know Bey and I can make that happen. Simple. But I really don't think you should give up on the tour. That could be your key back to happiness right there!"

"I hear you Kelz, but right now I honestly feel like my 'key to happiness' is to have some time to myself, away from the general public."

I sighed, "Listen Chelle, I'ma keep it real with you for a minute. Believe it or not, I've been having doubts about the tour too."

"You have?" Bey and Michelle said at the same time.

"Oh absolutely. With all the bullshit that's been going on these past few days, I've been thinking it'd be better for me to just stay home. Like it wouldn't even make sense for me to go."

In case you were wondering, Trey and I haven't spoken yet. It's more so because neither of us have had time this week. I've had intense rehearsals and Trey's been in the studio nonstop. By the time we're both home at the same time, we're too damn tired for conversation. Whenever I do try to say something, he starts acting petty and I'm not about to waste my time trying to talk to someone who clearly isn't trying to hear what I have to say.

"Wait a dang minute!" Michelle exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts. "You're trying to convince me to go but this whole time your butt doesn't wanna go either?"

"Now see, that's the thing. I've been reflecting, and I realized that I can't let one issue stop me from being productive. Being doubtful about the tour will only bring me down more. We've worked way too hard these past several months to just give it up. I think this will really be great for us, and the fans of course. Besides, we can't leave Bey hanging like that. She's been wanting this for a while and you know she'll beat both of our asses if we just go ghost on her. So Ms. Williams, if I'm still doing this, then you are too."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now