• sixty seven: part three •

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"Are you feeling better?"

I didn't hear a whole lot when I walked in but I assumed they were talking about me from the way I heard them arguing over calling or texting someone. I guess I came back in perfect timing?

"Not really." she replied softly.

"Well," I lifted up the paper bag I was holding then handed it over to her, "it's Alka-Seltzer, crackers, ginger ale and Tylenol in here for you. Hopefully it'll help."

She smiled faintly, "Thank you so much."

"Uh huh... I figured it's the least I could do. But ummm yeah I just came here to get the rest of my stuff. I'll be out of your way shortly."

"What? Kelly you can't leave!"

"I don't stay anywhere I'm not wanted." I replied dryly.

"But you are wanted! Haven't you noticed Kim's missing? I picked you, obviously!"

"Obviously huh?" I laughed a little. "How long did it take you to make that decision? Matter fact, there shouldn't have even been a decision to be made. You should've never let me walk out that door."

"Can I at least have a chance to explain myself?"

We both looked over at Cici, Gabby and Serena and they started walking backwards.

"We definitely get the hint, we'll be in our rooms." Serena said before they all left.

"Kelly I'm really sorry." La continued. "I should've said something right away but there was too much going on."

"I understand you haven't had the best morning but anyone could see that everything going on was caused by her. Could I have reacted differently? Yes. But at the same time all of that could have been avoided if she got the proper message to not disrespect me."

"And I did talk to her about that! I thought I had gotten through to her but I guess something about you just bothers her that much."

"The sad part is, I'm used to it. So many people have had issues with me throughout the years to the point where I kinda just expect it. The difference though is that in those other situations, there was no mutual friend who's more close to me that would be there to do the right thing. In this situation, there is. That mutual friend would be you. But instead of stopping her from saying those horrible things to me you just let it happen. That's why I'm so hurt."

"I would never wanna hurt you!"

"By not saying anything, you did. Then she gon give you that stupid ass ultimatum and you actually stood there entertaining it. You made me feel like an option, so I made the choice for you."

"Kelly stop that noise." she snapped, and I raised my eyebrows, appalled. "I understand that I didn't say anything, I get it. But it's not what you think! I would never in my life put Kim above you. I honestly just didn't know what to say. I hate drama and the idea of having to cut a friend off makes me anxious. I was just trying to figure out the right way to break it to her and I admit it took me a while to get there, I mean she just left, but I did tell her off. I wish you were in the room to hear it. I messed up, Kelz, I know. But I didn't have any bad intentions."

"No matter how terrible that bitch is, I would've never put you on the spot and forced you into a position like that because I know how nerve wracking it would be. All I ever ask is for you to be careful and defend me... both when I'm not around and when I am."

"Now you know in general I do. I just have to work on not leaving you hanging when things get heated and you need someone to speak up for you."

I nodded slowly, "So what now?"

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now