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*4 months later*
Tuesday, November 25

Soooooooo... I'm pregnant again.

With twins.

Was it planned? Hell no. See, what had happened was...

I switched birth controls in June because I didn't like how moody the implant was starting to make me feel. So I instantly got on the copper IUD thinking my problem would be solved because it has no hormones and it lasts longer. Come to find out, my body completely rejected it and I didn't even know... until it was too late.

I can't even be mad at anyone but myself because I knew the risks beforehand and just never thought they would happen to me.

One thing I will have to accept though is that me and birth control just aren't friends.

Trey and I were currently at the doctor's having an ultrasound to find out the sex of the babies. I'm about four months along so it's perfect timing. We decided to skip the whole surprise thing this time around. Finding out we were having two babies was already surprising enough.

"Remind me again what your preferences were?" my doctor said to us all of a sudden.

"At first I wanted two girls while Trey wanted a boy and a girl. Over time the idea of having one of each kinda grew on me, cause it makes sense ya know? We'd have two boys and two girls total. Even number, equal amount. It's like balance. So I guess you can say we have the same preference now."

"Well guess what... Y'all are pretty good at manifesting these types of things because that's exactly what you're having."

I gasped and instantly felt myself tearing up. I looked over at Trey to see him getting emotional himself.

I'll be the first to tell ya I've had plenty of doubts about this whole thing. I definitely did not expect to be pregnant again this fast, TJ literally just turned one a few weeks ago. Plus there were so many things being accomplished in the second half of this year so far: I released my book, my album, Trey released his album, we were both planning tours, all while the girls and I were in the middle of completing the DC album. Everything's been all about work. Where the hell were we gonna fit more children into our life at this time?

However, being here right now and hearing this news makes me wanna try to look past all that. I remember when I didn't think I'd be able to carry TJ full term. Then, going through that tough pregnancy, I didn't think I could do it all over again even though of course I wanted to have more kids eventually. But hey, I defeated the odds once so I suppose I could do it again. I feel like this is a test, and I need to pass it.

"How are you guys feeling?" she asked us, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I can't even put it into words right now... Still doesn't feel real." Trey said quietly, wiping his tears.


"This is bigger than all my fears. Above anything, it's a blessing. Or should I say two blessings." I chuckled. "I'm really about to have four kids chile. I'm a mama mama out in these streets."

"And you're great at it." she smiled. "I'll tell you the truth, I was originally gonna place you on bed rest given what happened with your last pregnancy and the fact that this one is even higher in risk. But come to think of it, I really don't wanna take your freedom away from you. I'm gonna give you the chance to go on with your daily activities as normal. But please be careful Kelly and try to keep your stress levels as low as possible. If it's people around you that cause the stress then you need to stay away from them. The last thing I would wanna do is restrict you again but one little hiccup and I'd have no choice."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin