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Thursday, July 3
Miami, Florida

It was currently the night before my last full day of my new video shoot and I'm bored as hell in this hotel room. I was on the phone with Trey but the nigga fell asleep on me. You would think with me being three hours ahead that I would be the tired one.

While I was still up I decided to try calling La. We haven't talked much since the incident last week at the bridal boutique. I had called her that same night to try and hash things out but she rushed me off the phone so fast that we ain't really discuss anything. Ever since then things have been so awkward. I gave her a little space but time's up cause it really doesn't need to be like this and I miss my girl.

Surprisingly she picked up pretty quickly, "Kelly, hi."

"Hey... How are you?"

"I'm okay, just up with Kiyan watching TV."

"Oops, am I interrupting? I can call back tom-"

"No no it's fine. What about you though? I know you're in Miami shooting the video for Coffee, how's that going?"

"Oh it's going. A storm came in yesterday and it delayed everything so we have twice as much work to do tomorrow. At least we know for sure it's gonna be a nice day, and it's supposed to be our last day filming so I'm excited regardless."

"You'll get it done. I know sometimes it can be hard for you to get started on the music stuff but once you're into it you push all the way through. I know the video will be great too with your perfectionist self. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks girl, that really means a lot." I smiled.

The line kinda went silent after that so I just went right in, "La I just wanna apologize again for how I acted last week. I texted you about it but I want you to hear me say it too. I'll even say it again in person."

"I already told you there's no need to apologize."

"Then why have things been so weird between us?"

"Because I knew the next time we would speak there would be a huge elephant in the room we would have to address, and I've been trying to avoid it."


"Kelly I really don't want to be interrogated right now. If we sit here and talk about it, it's gonna create a problem."

"There's already a problem and it's because we haven't talked about it. If you're feeling a type of way about something then you should tell me."

"Well. I didn't appreciate the way you handled things during your altercation with Kim."

"The altercation that she started? Did you tell her that?"

"I know she started it and I'll talk to her at some point. But since we're already here I'm telling you first."

"La I know what role I played. I've been apologizing for it but you won't even take it!"

"Because an apology won't change the fact that it happened and I honestly don't think you regret reacting the way you did."

"Okay, I'm confused because now it sounds like you're blaming me for everything. I tried my best to ignore that girl the whole time. You don't even know how she was acting while you were in the back looking for dresses. If someone was constantly pushing your buttons then gon blow up on you just for opening your mouth I know good and well you would've reacted the same way so you're right, I don't regret it. I only care about how it affected you... and the fact that we could've took it outside."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now