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Thursday, May 2

These last couple of days have been a train wreck.

I can barely sleep or focus on any of the things I have to do. All I could think about is the fact that I really messed up bad. Kelly gets irritated with me, yes, but I don't remember the last time she's been this mad at me. And in all our years of marriage, we've never had an argument so bad that she would kick me out of the house. This one hit different.

I keep hoping she'll tell me I can come back home so we could fix this, but she's been pretty consistent with giving me the cold shoulder. She won't answer any of my texts unless it has something to do with Kiara and she's been ignoring my calls.

I don't know how I'ma bounce back from this mess.

My phone started ringing all of a sudden and for some reason my dumb ass thought it would be Kelly, but to my surprise it was Beyoncé FaceTiming me.

I answered the call not knowing what to expect. What I did know was that if she knew about the situation, she's probably gonna curse my ass out into the next century.

"Hey Bey..." I greeted cautiously.

"Bro. I haven't heard from Kelly since Monday, she hasn't been answering my calls or texts. Is she okay?"


She made a face as she looked behind me at my unfamiliar surroundings. "Where you at?"

"In the guest house." I mumbled.

"The hell you doing in there?" She paused to think for a second then she gasped, "Booooy... what did you do?!"

I closed my eyes and sighed, "I messed up real bad."

"Lord, something tells me I'm not gon like this. But go 'head."

"Long story short, I was giving Janay money while y'all was on tour."

"...You what?! Trey what the fuck!" she shouted.

"I know, I know."

"For what reason?!"

"Because her child was suffering and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen." I answered simply.

"So what! That's not your child!" she yelled. "Oh Father God... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you hid this from Kelly and she found out from someone else."

I scratched my head nervously. "She found out from Lala, who heard me and Chris talking about it."

"Damn it Tremaine! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Bey, I've already taken the heat from Chris and Kelly herself. I really don't need to hear it from anyone else."

"Oh no, you gon hear it from me. You lucky I'm not the Knowles sister who be fighting niggas."

"Tell me about it." I mumbled. I'd much rather have her yelling at me than to be dodging Solange's hands.

"Wait a minute. Please tell me you didn't..."


"You know..."

I finally caught on to what she was saying and firmly shook my head. "No. Never in my life would I ever cheat on Kelly."

She sighed in relief, "Good, cause I was definitely about to pull up on you and channel my inner Solange. But you're still in the wrong though. It's not just about you giving another woman money, it's the fact that out of all the women it could've possibly been, it just had to be the one who Kelly absolutely hates. It's almost like if you were helping that other crazy bitch. What was her name again? Myra or something."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now