• thirty seven •

467 20 36

Monday, May 27

As the days went by, I was feeling better and better.

I've been trying my hardest to stay positive for the sake of the baby and with the help of my girls, I've been succeeding.

I've even been a little nicer to Trey. I can finally look at him without wanting to punch him in the face. He's not back in the house yet, but maybe things can change soon. Although I obviously miss him, a part of me doesn't think it's a good idea to let him back in because I still don't trust him and I feel like it's unhealthy for him to be there if I still hold resentment towards him.

But like I said, things can change.

We were currently at my second prenatal appointment waiting for my doctor to come into the room. I can't believe I'm already 15 weeks. My belly is growing day by day and my body is starting to go through hella changes. I'm gaining weight everywhere, especially in my boobs and butt. I can't wait to find out the gender so I can announce this shit to the world because pretty soon I won't be able to hide it anymore.

"Sorry for the wait." my doctor said when she finally arrived.

"You're fine girlie." I replied. She greeted the both of us and then after reviewing my chart and all that jazz, she laid me down so she could get started with the ultrasound.

"How have things been at home?" she asked as she was setting up.

"Oh you know, same old same old." I lied.

"Been keeping the stress down?"

"Trying my best." I replied simply, forcing a smile. I could feel Trey's eyes on me but I mean, I don't know why. Did he really expect me to tell her all our business? I truly don't think he wants me to take it there, cause I promise I won't hold back and my filter will be nonexistent.

"The baby's getting so big!" she exclaimed. I turned my head to look at the screen and sure enough, the fetus was almost a fully formed baby at this point.

"Awww, look at the little arms and legs." I cooed.

"What a big head, just like his mama's." Trey commented.

"You think you're funny huh?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Well the baby is most definitely gonna grow out of its head so you won't have to hear Trey's jokes for long." she laughed.

"Great, cause I'm tired already."

"Now just to let you know, in some cases I'm able to tell the gender of the baby this early but looking at the screen right now, the genital area isn't really clear so we'll have to wait until your next appointment. Do you guys actually want to find out at the next appointment or do you want it to be a surprise?"

I looked at Trey just to confirm what we already agreed to, then I looked back at her. "We're gonna have a gender reveal party."

"Oooh, sounds like fun! Okay I'll keep that in mind for the next time so I won't spoil anything for you."

"Thank ya thank ya. So other than that, everything's good?" I asked.

"Yes indeed, so far so good. Look at that little smiling face." she said, pointing at the screen. "That's gonna be a happy, healthy baby. I can already see it."


"I'm glad there aren't any issues." Trey said to me as we were walking through the hospital to the exit.

"Did you think there would be?"

"I mean with everything going on, I was kind of afraid that it would affect your health and therefore the baby's."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now