2: Meeting A Soul Reaper{Edited}

Start from the beginning

"And what is this?" Captain Hitsugaya demanded, gesturing at the sleeping woman.

"I don't know. I found her passed out like this in the woods. I decided to bring her here,"Rangiku replied, quickly. She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, and stared down at the woman. "So far she hasn't responded to anything. In fact, she hasn't woke up at all. Or even moved."

"Then are you sure she isn't dead? "He sighed, annoyed. This was his least favorite thing about his lieutenant. She never checked over anything.

"She isn't dead. Look," Rangiku answered, pointing to the girls chest. Captain Hitsugaya felt his face grow hot, before realizing his Lieutenant only meant to point out the girls chest was rising and falling, indicating her breathing. "She is breathing. She's just unconscious." He sighed at her.

"Take her to Captain Kurotsuchi,  then,"He replied, frowning." I don't have time to deal with her."

"But Captain! "Rangiku whined. Captain Hitsugaya turned towards her angrily.

"No buts! Now do it!" He says angrily. Why does my lieutenant have to do this? He thought, sighing loudly and putting his hand on his forehead. Suddenly the girl moved. Her face scrunched up and she groaned loudly. Captain Hitsugaya gazed at her with sudden interest."Nevermind. Let's see what she has to say." The girl sat up slowly, and lazily blinked.

-Grace Pov-

I sat up confused. I wonder where I landed... I had heard voices earlier. I blinked, attempting to clear my vision. When it completely cleared, I noticed two people. One was a girl and the other was a guy. The girl had a sword by her hip, and the guy had his own sword sheathed on his back, with the hilt sticking up over his shoulder. Neither had wings or any other supernatural attributes. Aw man. I landed in the soul reaper realm, didn't I? The guy jumped into immediate action, grabbing his sword's hilt and yanking it out of its sheath. He pointed it at me, threateningly, the tip near my throat.

"Who are you?"demanded the guy. He had white hair and bright blue eyes. "What are you?" He shook his sword at me. I flinched back, fearful that this guy might actually pierce me with his blade if I answered incorrectly.

"Captain, calm down. You're scaring her!"Protested the other one. Damn right he's scaring me, I thought. The woman didn't have her sword raised, and seemed to pose no real threat. She had red hair and brown eyes. Her bust was big. Not bigger than mine. I thought to myself. She was very tall and next to her Captain, she made him look like an ant. He was about up to her chin in height. Maybe two or three inches taller than I. 

"Answer us," the Captain demanded. He seemed slightly annoyed. I assumed he was just tired. Interesting. I'd always heard that soul reapers were dangerous. This one has a disturbed face and seems to be just a bit over cautious. Aren't soul reapers supposed to be headstrong?

"I am Grace,"I spoke finally. I made sure to speak softly and smoothly, so as not to make him feel more threatened than he already was. He slowly lowered his sword, hearing my calm demeanor. He kept it low as he gazed at my calm face.

"And what are you?" He asked again. His voice seemed to lose some hostility it had possessed, as if the calmness I was managing to project had reflected back from him. It was interesting.

"I am an Angel," I answered. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief, his hand tightening on the swords grip a bit.

"No really. What are you?" He asked again, snorting at me. He doesn't believe me. Guess soul reapers never really learned of us. Only Mr. Kisuke Urahara knew of our existence.  And squad 12. I know they have information on us in their data banks. I thought to myself. I analyzed the Captain before speaking again.

Life As An Angel Reaper {A Bleach Fanfiction }[COMPLETED](editing)Where stories live. Discover now