"But are you okay though?" Jungkook questioned, noticing the way the other's hands seemed to shake as he removed the wipe from its package.

"Of course," Taehyung responded as if Jungkook was ridiculous.

"You just had a nightmare and your hands are still shaking."

"Nightmares are normal Jungkook, just leave it be," Taehyung replied as he wiped the blood from behind Jungkook's cut to reveal quite a decent sized cut, glaring at the younger when he heard him mumble something along the lines of 'that it isn't normal'.

Jungkook admired Taehyung's features as the other's face was practically inches away from his own face, slightly flinching when Taehyung applied the really cold cream, the cut somewhat burning.

Jungkook noticed the way Taehyung's slightly thick lips were pulled into a frown, or the way his big glaring, sometimes joyful, eyes were red and puffy. Jungkook could only conclude that whatever nightmare Taehyung had, he wanted to make sure Taehyung never had one again.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook mumbled when Taehyung finally placed the bandaid onto the cut.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he stared down at Jungkook. "For what?" Taehyung asked, beginning to clean up the disposable wrappers, putting the package of bandaids and the cream back into the first aid kit.

"For overstepping," Jungkook apologized. "I shouldn't have been so nosy."

Taehyung frowned before looking back at Jungkook, "No, it's okay Jungkook," Taehyung reassured. "It's just not a topic I talk about a lot. Is there any Tylenol or ibuprofen, you probably have a headache don't you?"

"It should be downstairs in the kitchen, bottom cabinet" Jungkook murmured as he nodded. Taehyung hummed in response as he left Jungkook sitting on the toilet.

Taehyung didn't seem that mad at him, but that left Jungkook even more confused, why wasn't the other yelling at him?

"Here you go Jungkook," Taehyung spoke, making Jungkook jump out of his thoughts as the other held out two small pills.

"Thanks," Jungkook spoke when he grabbed the pills, thanking Taehyung once again when the other handed him a small bottle of water to help swallow the pills.

"So you're not mad at me then?" Jungkook asked once he finished swallowing the pills for his headache, wondering if it was all just in his head?

Taehyung immediately shook his head in response, "I never was, it's not like I go around telling everyone I was adopted when I was seven."

Jungkook paused in confusion, "You were adopted?" Jungkook asked, surprised at the new information. Taehyung just nodded in response, feeling slightly awkward as he stood in front of Jungkook.

"Y-yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious but I guess not," Taehyung murmured. Now that Jungkook thought about it, he felt like a complete dumbass. Of course, the two weren't related or anything, hell they didn't even look the same.

Jungkook groaned as he hid his face in his hands, "God, I feel like an idiot now," Jungkook said.

Taehyung chuckled, "Yeah you pretty much are," Taehyung teased playfully, earning a poke from Jungkook, evoking giggles.

Jungkook then suddenly held his arms out, signaling he wanted a hug. "I think I earned a hug for that!"

Taehyung's lips wrinkled in disgust, "Ew, definitely not, you have blood on your shirt."

Jungkook's eyebrows lifted in amusement, "So you're saying you would give me a hug if I didn't have blood on my shirt?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Taehyung's eyes widened, taking a step back, "What? Of course not-."

Taehyung didn't even get a chance to run because Jungkook was already ripping off his dirty shirt, grabbing Taehyung and dragging him onto his lap as he trapped the older in a tight hug with his large arms.

"J-Jungkook!" Taehyung squeaked, struggling to wriggle out of Jungkook's grip, blushing a bright red at the fact that he was pressed against Jungkook's hard abs. "Let me go!"

"Why would I? The more you struggle the longer I hold you," Jungkook sang, "Plus, you're literally still shaking Tae, you need to relax."


"Relax, Taehyung," Jungkook instructed in a calming way, hugging Taehyung even tighter as he rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung tensed as Jungkook's black ticked his chin, it smelt slightly like coconuts.

"Taehyung if you don't relax in five seconds I'll force you to watch ASMR or something," Jungkook threatened as he lowered his arms, instead, wrapping them around Taehyung's thin waist.

"Wow, you amaze me Jungkook, I feel so relaxed now," Taehyung rolled his eyes as he rested his head on Jungkook's soft bed of hair, wrapping his still slightly shaking hands around Jungkook's neck, making sure not to mess up the bandaid.

Taehyung soon relaxed in Jungkook's arms, feeling comforted at how oddly warm the other was, like a soft blanket. "This is kind of intimate," Jungkook whispered after a couple of moments, only to earn a smack in the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry... I'll stop."

"Good," Taehyung huffed, allowing his eyes to fall shut in the dimly-lit bathroom. Never would've Taehyung had thought that he would find himself on Jungkook's lap, hugging each other as they sat on a toilet.

Never would he have thought that he felt comforted being in the other's arms, sharing about him being adopted at a young age. Taehyung actually felt like he could trust Jungkook to tell him about them, the people that seemed to plague his nightmares.

Jungkook seemed to awake from his slight daze, he doesn't know how long they've been like this but he can feel his back starting to cramp up. Jungkook could tell Taehyung was asleep by how relaxed the other felt.

Jungkook decided that he probably shouldn't fall back asleep, he was convinced that the two would regret it in the morning. Jungkook lifted himself off of Taehyung's shoulder, trying to wake the elder from his deep slumber.

Jungkook maneuvered Taehyung around, picking him up in his arms, his knees cracking as he stood up slowly. Taehyung was pretty light, although he struggled to open the bathroom door, he finally succeeded after a couple of attempts.

Jungkook quietly tried to kick open the bedroom door before maneuvering around the large bed and laying Taehyung down on his side of the bed. Jungkook smiled as he turned off the lamp, before turning it back on because he can't see a single thing.

Jungkook was about to make his way to his side before he felt something latching onto his wrist and he was collapsing right next to Taehyung. His cheeks reddened when Taehyung mumbled something along the lines of 'stay with me' in his half-asleep state.

Jungkook cooed at the sight of Taehyung practically snuggling into his chest, the other wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook relaxed as he reached behind himself and turned off the lamp.

The room fell dark as they both fell back into their own slumbers with no nightmares allowed. Both were now sleeping on one side of the barrier of pillows that was once supposed to separate them.

A/N: So... What'd you think?

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